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Entries for 'communication'


Most advisors encounter student lies during our careers. It is helpful if we have a game plan ready to address these issues with students and still maintain a professional advising relationship. 

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communication, build relationships, advising strategy, Amber Schuler
Posted in: 2010 March 33:1

The blog platform allows unprecedented student access within our college community and helps us improve the continuity of the information stream to students.

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communication, technology, David Lichtenstein

It is my hope that students’ memory of me is not as an advisor sitting behind a desk, poring over Banner reports and paper files. I hope the image in their mind’s eye is of me walking, or running, somewhere on campus. I hope they remember me conversing with others and having an open door, because there is no door. I hope my example challenges them as professionals to be as accessible to their clients, patients, or students as I have tried to be for them.

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communication, build relationships, reflection, advising strategy, advising approaches, active listening, advising environment, Christina McIntyre
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2
Just like the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz, students often feel lost; they need guidance and reassurance to succeed in college. The critical component to academic success, other than student will, is advising.

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decision-making, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, encouraging students, active listening, Christine Chmielewski
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2

Three primary lessons have been learned in the years since Louisiana State University Eunice’s Pathways to Success program began: (1) students follow directions if they know what to do, (2) the program is labor intensive, and (3) communication, cooperation, and consensus-building are crucial.

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intrusive advising, communication, at-risk students, underprepared students, Paul Fowler
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2
In recruiting to retain underrepresented populations, it is important to develop early and consistent relationships. Advisors who express that students are valued can create a meaningful and personal connection early in each student’s educational career.

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retention, communication, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, persistence, Christine Lancaster, Chelsea Smith, Kelsey Boyer
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2

While developing the blog, we kept in mind two main goals: create original and relevant content, and provide a welcoming and empowering virtual space to help students academically succeed..

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communication, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, probation, technology, Katie McFaddin, Becca Schulze

In this new era of online education, traditional models of academic advising may not be suitable for advisors serving nontraditional students.

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communication, distance, Steven Starks
Academic advisors can help students put their views and experiences into perspective when we teach students to maintain discussions that support, rather than undermine, societal good in the academic environment. While it may be difficult even for advisors to reflect upon controversial topics, there are strategies we can use to manage civil discourse.

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rapport, communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, Shannon Burton, conflict resolution
Developmental research data can offer us a better understanding of our students' decision making processes; especially in terms of risky behavior.

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decision-making, communication, Keith Gissubel, Janice Stapley, developmental theory
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