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Entries for 'academic support'


Each year the question of whether or not to implement mandatory advising seems to surface across a variety of venues and mailing lists.  In addressing this question, campuses must be able to answer other questions about how they meet student needs.  When campuses pose an essential outcomes-based question, they strengthen their ability to conceive the most integrative and holistic solutions for ensuring that students can achieve desired advising outcomes.  

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academic support, advising strategy, persistence, communication, encouraging students, advising theory, role of advisor, advising approaches, build relationships, student motivation, advising environment, graduation rates, preparedness, teaching strategy

Although the blended position is known by various names in different institutions, there is one underlying factor: the incumbents do more than academic advising, while building relationships towards student success.

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theory to practice, professional development, career advising, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, learning disabilities, advising strategy, advising approaches, professionalism, Susan Imbeah

Advisors who learn to assist students with alleviating and mitigating culture shock can contribute to students’ success and their enjoyment of their time in their host country.  In order to do so, advisors must understand the cultural and individual characteristics that influence a student’s experience of culture shock.

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proactive advising, international, role of advisor, academic support, advising theory, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, advising approaches, advising environment, Brandie Yale

One of the hardest things advisors face is the notion that they cannot always be the hero.  As advisors, we want to help and we want to make things as easy as possible.  Yet, there are so many things that are just beyond our control.

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decision-making, professional development, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, dismissal, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, conflict resolution, learning outcomes, Vince Hernandez, stud

Much like letting young adults spread their wings, an advisor needs to be alert, offering assistance when necessary, but knowing when to let the student “learn the ropes” of academic life to ensure they become strong, independent learners.

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role of advisor, academic support, at-risk students, probation, procrastination, preparedness, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, underprepared students, conditional admit program, adult learners, Katherine Carlman

First generation college students face a variety of social and conceptual barriers.  The author contends that, in attempting to gain a greater profundity of understanding regarding the experiences of FGCS, it may be helpful to examine the experiences of other student groups who may, to an extent, have overlapping or similar experiences. 

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academic support, at-risk students, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, first generation students, Tadé Ayeni
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Students who do not meet minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements are generally placed on an academic warning or probationary status that is often universally applied to all students and administrated by faculty or advisors.  However, each students’ reasons for missing this academic mark are unique.  Regular connection with an advisor can be very impactful and meaningful to students because they are able to articulate their obstacles to someone in an open dialogue.

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communication, stress, academic support, at-risk students, dismissal, probation, financial aid, conflict resolution, referrals, Maureen McCoy
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Change is an inevitable part of higher education today, but as our students’ needs change, advisors will have to adapt to new technology platforms to provide better support.  Academic advisors can be dynamic agents of change.

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research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, advising strategy, technology, digital, professionalism, Zachary Underwood, Melinda Anderson
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The 49er Finish Program at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has been actively pursuing its stop out students for over 10 years, catering to adult learners who are seeking to finish what they started.  Tactics are threefold: personalized marketing, support services, and institutional enhancements.

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build relationships, academic support, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, adult learners, Eileen Snyder, Leana Zona
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Most major academic advising theories stress the importance of the advising relationship.  In advising, the quality of the relationship between advisor and student is at the heart of most interventions.  The author notes that the shared focus of various advising theories on factors that foster the advisor-student relationship is very similar to the common factors theory in psychology.

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theory, research, empathy, communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, academic support, advising theory, advising approaches, active listening, advising environment, advising research, Mehvash Ali
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2
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