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Entries for 'encouraging students'


The human mind is full of complex emotions and often these emotions drive us to places that we may not have prepared for. As academic advisors, we see students display a range of emotions every day. When deciding the best role for an advisor working with students experiencing negative affective emotions, it may be best to consider an advisor’s training and the context of the situation.

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rapport, communication, build relationships, academic support, advising theory, student motivation, encouraging students, active listening, Alexander Kunkle, Jesse Poole, Stefany Sigler
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

Organized anarchy is presented by the authors as the best organizational structure for meeting the needs of advisors by providing the space to practice both transformational and developmental advising in a way that most effectively meets the wide-ranging needs of students.

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theory, research, role of advisor, advising theory, encouraging students, conflict resolution, Douglas Vardeman, Laura Grace Dykes
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

Academic advisors are witnessing a growing population of students that identify as first generation. These students need validation that they belong in a university setting and that their degree is attainable.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Kelci Kosin
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2
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