Book Review

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Doug Ballard review of the book Radicalizing Learning: Adult Education for a Just World by Stephen D. Brookfield and John D Holst. A Wiley publication.

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Book Review, learning, academic advising, Doug Ballard
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Matt Kubacki review of the book Losing My Cool by Thomas Chatterton Williams. A Penguin Books publication.

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Book Review, campus climate, underrepresented students, Matt Kubacki
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Megan Coburn review of the book Gender and Sexual Diversity in U.S. Higher Education: Contexts and Opportunities for LGBTQ College Students by Dafina-Lazarus Stewart, Kristen A. Renn, and G. Blue Brazelton (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Book Review, college students, campus climate, Megan Coburn, LGBTQ
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Audrey E. Cox review of the book Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using Analytics by Thomas H. Davenport and Jinho Kim. A Harvard Business Review Press publication.

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Research, Book Review, academic advising, Audrey E. Cox, analytics
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Rick Malleus review of the book From the Confucian Way to Collaborative Knowledge Co-Construction: New Directions for Teaching and Learning by Certina J. van Schalkwyk & Rik C. D’Amato (Eds.). A Jossey Bass publication.

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student success, Book Review, motivation, Rick Malleus, Asian students, collaborative learning
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Danalee K. Brehman review of the book Constructivism Reconsidered in the Age of Social Media by Chris Stabile and Jeff Ershler (Eds.). A Jossey Bass publication.

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Social Media, Technology, Book Review, Danalee K. Brehman, constructivism, millennial students
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Joshua D. Adams review of the book Building Synergy for High Impact Educational Initiatives: First-Year Seminars and Learning Communities by Lauren Chism and Janine Graziano (Eds.). A National Resource Center publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, first-year, Learning Communities, Joshua D. Adams, integrated approach
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Kay Hamada review of the book Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Research and Relationships by Karen Weller Swanson (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Collaboration, academic advising, Kay Hamada, scholarly practitioner
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Matt Eng review of the book Facilitative Collaborative Knowledge Co-Construction by Gertina J. van Schalkwyk and Rik Carl D’Amato (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, Matt Eng, Collaboration, pedagogy, advising as teaching
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Anna Hegedus review of the book Latino Access to Higher Education: Ethnic Realities and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century by Martin Guevara Urbina, Ph.D. & Claudia Rodriguez Wright, Ed.D. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Book Review, multicultural, higher education, Anna Hegedus, access
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Craig M. McGill and Maura M. Reynolds review of the book A Guide to Becoming a Scholarly Practitioner in Student Affairs by Lisa J. Hatfield and Vicki L. Wise. A Stylus Publishing publication.

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Research, Craig M. McGill, Book Review, academic advising, Maura M. Reynolds, scholarly practitioner, publishing
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Dr. Christine R. Cook review of the book Group Career Counseling: Practices and Principles, 2nd Edition by K. Richard Pyle and Seth C. W. Hayden. A National Career Development Association publication.

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Career advising, Career Counseling, Book Review, Dr. Christine R. Cook, group counseling, group advising
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Karen Bray review of the book Community College Transfer Guide by Don Silver. An Admas-Hall Publishing publication.

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student success, Transfer Students, Book Review, community college, Karen Bray
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Matthew Jeffries review of the book To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care by Cris Beam. A Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publication.

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Student populations, Book Review, foster children, Matthew Jeffries, underrepresented students
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James Creech review of the book Mistakes Were Made (but not by me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson. A Mariner Books publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, student behavior, James Creech, decision making
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Laura Hauck-Vixie review of the book Academic Advising, A Handbook for Advisors and Students: Volume 1: Models, Students, Topics, and Issues by Richard L. Miller & Jessica G. Irons (eds.). A Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 publication.

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student success, Developmental Advising, Book Review, academic advising, psychology, Laura Hauck-Vixie
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Rebecca L. Torstrick review of the book Welcoming Blue-Collar Scholars Into the Ivory Tower: Developing Class-Conscious Strategies for Student Success by Krista M. Soria. A National Resource Center publication.

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student success, Completion, Book Review, academic advising, graduation, Rebecca L. Torstrick
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Diana DeVol Bevilacqua review of the book Struck by Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me a Mathematical Marvel by Jason Padgett and Maureen Seaberg. A Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing publication.

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Students with disabilities, Book Review, academic advising, psychology, Diana DeVol Bevilacqua
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Amber Kargol review of the book Foundations for Critical Thinking by Trudy Bers, Marc Chun, William T. Daly, Christine Harrington, Barbara F. Tobolowsky & Associates. A National Resource Center publication.

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Book Review, Amber Kargol, critical thinking, student outcomes, advising administration
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Shannon Johnson review of the book An Exploration of Intersecting Identities of First-Generation, Low-Income Students by Rashne R. Jehangir, Michael J. Stebleton, and Veronica Deenanath. A National Resource Center publication.

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Student Development, Book Review, academic advising, Identity development, Shannon Johnson, first generation
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Lisa Giguere review of the book The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Moshin Hamid. A Mariner publication.

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International students, Book Review, academic advising, culture, religion, Lisa Giguere
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Aramis Martinez review of the book Collaborative Intelligence: Thinking with People Who Think Differently by Dawn Markova and Angie McArthur. A Spiegel & Grau (Random House) publication.

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Professional Development, Book Review, Collaboration, academic advising, Aramis Martinez
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Yury Riascos review of the book Mentoring as Transformative Practice: Supporting Student and Faculty Diversity by Caroline S. Turner (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Mentoring, Diversity, Book Review, student support, Yury Riascos, underrepresented
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Stephanie Janes review of the book I Could do Anything if I Only Knew What it Was: How to discover what you really want and how to get it by Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith. A Delacorte Press publication.

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Joshua L. Brittingham review of the book New directions for student leadership: Innovative learning for leadership development by Julie E. Owen (ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Theory, Leadership, Professional Development, Joshua L. Brittingham, Book Review
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Linda Bradbury review of the book Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men by Michael Kimmel. A Harper Collins publication.

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Book Review, ethics, Linda Bradbury, student behavior, college life, campus policy
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Jennifer Centner review of the book Backpack to Briefcase: Steps to a Successful Career by Terry Arndt and Kirrin Coleman. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, academic advising, transition, Jennifer Centner
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Jennifer Steele review of the book Locus of Authority: The Evolution of Faculty Roles in the Governance of Higher Education by William G. Bowen and Eugene M. Tobin. A Princeton University Press publication.

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Book Review, higher education, faculty advising, Jennifer Steele, governance
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Kyle Bures review of the book The College Success Diet: The Insider’s Guide to Educational and Career Success by Lana W. Jackman, Ph.D. & Philip S. Jackman. A Melange Information Services, Inc. publication.

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success, At-risk students, Book Review, college, advising, Kyle Bures
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Melissa Irvin review of the book Understand and Addressing Commuter Student Needs by J. Patrick Biddix (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Minority students, Book Review, academic advising, Melissa Irvin, commuter students
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Kasey Swanke review of the book Looking and Learning: Visual Literacy across the Disciplines by Deandra Little, Peter Felten, & Chad Berry. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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curriculum, Book Review, Teaching, Kasey Swanke, visual literacy
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Christina Moussa review of the book Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story by Mac McClellard. A FlatIron Books publication.

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Veteran Students, Book Review, academic advising, Christina Moussa, PTSD
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Dr. Tiffany N. Labon review of the book A Faculty Guide to Advising and Supervising Graduate Students by Darla J. Twale. A Routledge publication.

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Graduate Students, Book Review, faculty, advising, Dr. Tiffany N. Labon, supervising
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Marianne Joyce review of the book Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education by Georgianna L. Martin and Michael S. Hevel (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Research, Student Affairs, Liberal Arts, Book Review, Marianne Joyce
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Lindsay Gigous review of the book Online Teaching in Education, Health, and Human Services by Magy Martin, Ed.D & Don Martin, Ph.D. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Book Review, higher education, Lindsay Gigous, online teaching, time management
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Anthony Fucci review of the book Critical Perspectives on Global Competition in Higher Education by Lauren M. Portnoi and Sylvia S. Bagley (eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, higher education, student experience, Anthony Fucci, global competition
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Jessica A. Hansen review of the book Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy. A Harper Collins publication.

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Leadership, Book Review, Jessica A. Hansen, senior seminar, self-esteem
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Chris Venable review of the book The Undecided College Student: An Academic and Career Advising Challenge by Virginia N. Gordon and George E. Steele. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, academic advising, undecided, Chris Venable, exploratory
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Andrew Murray review of the book Basketball Junkie: A Memoir by Chris Herren and Bill Reynolds. A St. Martin's Griffin publication.

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Book Review, student support, academic advising, Andrew Murray
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Walter F. Benefield review of the book No Turning Back by Bryan Anderson with David Mack. A Penguin Group publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, resilience, Walter F. Benefield, self-awareness
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Emily Liverman review of the book Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals by Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen Wyric Spirduso & Stephen J. Silverman. A SAGE Publications publication.

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Book Review, dissertation, Thesis, Emily Liverman, grant proposal
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Jason C. Wiegand review of the book The Social Media Job Search Workbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Work in the Age of Social Media by Joshua Waldman. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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Career advising, Social Media, Book Review, academic advisor, Jason C. Wiegand, networking
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Fanie Zis review of the book Strategic Directions for Career Services Within the University Setting by Kelli K. Smith (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Career advising, Assessment, Book Review, Fanie Zis, career services
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Ana Fernandez review of the book Learning Communities from Start to Finish by Mimi Benjamin (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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student success, Professional Development, Book Review, student support, Learning Communities, Ana Fernandez
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Shalece Nuttall review of the book Positive: A Memoir by Paige Rawl with Ali Benjamin. A Harper Collins publication.

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Counseling, Book Review, student support, academic advising, Shalece Nuttall
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Katherine Resler review of the book Resilience by Jessie Close with Pete Earley. A Grand Central Publishing publication.

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student success, Book Review, academic advising, mental health, Katherine Resler
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Kathie Sindt review of the book The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change by Adam Braun. A Scriber (Simon and Schuster) publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, career development, Kathie Sindt, social justice
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Ragh Singh review of the book Hidden Roads: Nonnative English-Speaking International Professors in the Classroom by Katherine Grace Hendrix & Aparna Hebbani. A Wiley publication.

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International students, Book Review, multicultural, Ragh Singh, nonnative English speakers
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Elicia Kimble review of the book Enhancing and Expanding Undergraduate Research: A Systems Approach by Mitchell Malachowski, Jeffrey M. Osborn, Kerry K. Karukstis, and Elizabeth L. Ambos (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Research, Career Counseling, Book Review, academic advising, undergraduate, Elicia Kimble
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Jennifer Carlsson review of the book Thank You for Your Service by David Finkel. A Picador publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, military students, Jennifer Carlsson, veteran
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Vicki D. Fisher review of the book Resilience by Eric Greitens. A Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing publication.

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student success, Book Review, academic advising, Vicki D. Fisher, resilience
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Tracy Nowak review of the book Double Take: A Memoir by Kevin Michael Connolly. A Harper Collins publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, first-year, common reading, Tracy Nowak
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Deborah Renner Hull review of the book Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies by Jane L. Swanson & Nadya A. Fouad. A SAGE Publications publication.

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Career advising, Career Counseling, Book Review, Deborah Renner Hull, academic advising, career theory
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Hal Fulmer review of the book Gaining Ground:  A Story of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food and the Family Farm by Forrest Pritchard. A Books in Common publication.

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Book Review, advising, culture, Hal Fulmer, sustainability
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Jessamy Hoffman review of the book The Good Lord Bird by James McBride. A Penguin Group publication.

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Leadership, Book Review, ethics, academic advising, Jessamy Hoffman
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Valerie McClinton review of the book Not Impossible by Mick Ebeling. A Simon and Shuster, Inc. publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, Valerie McClinton, involvement, open sourcing
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Lucinda Blue review of the book What Will I Learn In College? by Robert Shoenberg. An Association of American Colleges and Universities publication.

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success, Book Review, Career, college, Lucinda Blue, skills
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Jacqueline E. Fischer review of the book Risk Management in Student Affairs: Foundations for Safety and Success by Thomas E. Miller and Roger W. Sorochty. A Wiley publication.

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Student Affairs, Book Review, higher education, advising, Jacqueline E. Fischer, risk management
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Ohanna Turcios-Ramirez review of the book Dreamers: An Immigrant Generation’s Fight for Their American Dream by Eileen Traux. A Beacon Press publication.

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Book Review, academic advising, immigration, undocumented, Ohanna Turcios-Ramirez
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Kiana Shiroma review of the book Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work (2nd ed.) by Daryl G. Smith. A Johns Hopkins University Press publication.

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Diversity, Kiana Shiroma, Book Review, higher education, campus climate
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Jean C. Fulton review of the book A Freshman Survival Guide for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Stuff Nobody Tells You About by Haley Moss. A Jessica Kingsley Publishers publication.

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Jean C. Fulton, Book Review, academic advising, freshman, autism
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Jill Flees review of the book Getting from College to Career by Lindsey Pollak. A Harper Collins publication.

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Career advising, Job Search, Jill Flees, Book Review, academic advising
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Heather Valentine review of the book College Success and You: Achieving Your Goals by Malcolm Kahn and Sue Kahn. A Larson Texts publication.

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First year students, Book Review, academic advising, success, Heather Valentine
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Stephanie Soto review of the book What Color is Your Parachute: Guide to Rethinking Interviews by Richard N. Bolles. A Ten Speed Press publication. 

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Book Review, Career, Stephanie Soto, interviews, graduates
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Jennifer F. Lewis review of the book All American by Steve Eubanks. A Harper Collins publication.

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Book Review, advising, veterans, military students, Jennifer F. Lewis
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Heather Zeng review of the book Inclusive Teaching: Presence in the Classroom by Cornell Thomas (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Retention, Heather Zeng, Book Review, classroom, support services
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Comfort M. Sumida review of the book How Children Succeed by Paul Tough. A Mariner publication.

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success, Comfort M. Sumida, Book Review, academic advisor, at-risk
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Tim Fricker review of the book Increasing Persistence: Research-Based Strategies for College Student Success by Wesley R. Habley, Jennifer L. Bloom, and Steve Robbins. A Wiley publication.

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Research, student success, Book Review, academic advising, persistence, Tim Fricker
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Janis S. Albright review of the book Undocumented: A Dominican Boy’s Odyssey From a Homeless Shelter To The Ivy League by Dan-El Padilla Peralta. A Penguin Press publication

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International students, Book Review, advising, Janis S. Albright, immigrant, undocumented
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Sammi Kaiser review of the book Life During College: Your Guide to Success by Sammi Kaiser. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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success, Book Review, college, first-year students, academic advisor, Sammi Kaiser
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Anthony Smothers review of the book The State of the College Union: Contemporary Issues and Trends by Tamara Yakaboski and Daniele M. De Sawal (Eds.). A Wiley publication.

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Assessment, Book Review, Anthony Smothers, advising, union, competency
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Sheriece l. Robinson review of the book Life After Graduation: Your Guide to Success by Terry Arndt & Kirrin Coleman. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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Job Search, Book Review, Career, college, graduation, Sheriece L. Robinson
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Melissa A. Jones review of the book “Radical Academia?” Understanding the Climates for Campus Activists by Christopher J. Broadhurst and Georgianna L. Martin (eds.). A Wiley publication.

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Book Review, advising, activism, Melissa A. Jones, campus climate
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Matt Church review of the book The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II by Denise Kiernan. A Books in Common publication.

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Research, Matt Church, Book Review, advising, common reading
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Amy Wilkens review of the book What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles. A Crown Publishing publication.

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Job Search, Book Review, Career, advising, interview, Amy Wilkens
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Ariel Bloomer review of the book Manufacturing Morals: The Values of Silence in Business School Education by Michel Anteby. A University of Chicago Press Publication.

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ethics, Ariel Bloomer, boom review, morals, problem-solving
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Kathy Zarges review of the book Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brains by David Eagleman. A Knopf Doubleday publication.

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Book Review, advisor, behavior, Kathy Zarges, decision-making
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Rebecca Rowlison review of the book Facilitating Group Learning: Strategies for Success with Diverse Adult Learners by George Lakey. A Wiley publication.

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Adult learners, Book Review, academic advisor, Rebecca Rowlison, group learning
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Jamie Reynolds review of the book Planning and Assessment in Higher Education: Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness by Michael F. Middaugh. A Wiley publication.

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Assessment, Book Review, Jamie Reynolds, higher education, planning
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Tanya Fritz review of the book Habitudes for The Journey: Images That Form Leadership Habits & Attitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. A Growing Leaders publication.

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Book Review, student leadership, first year, advisor, Tanya Fritz
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Kathryn Timm review of the book Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students by Ann Highum (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Book Review, education, campus, academic advisor, Kathryn Timm, undergraduate
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Jennifer Brown review of the book 59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute by Richard Wiseman. An Anchor Books publication.

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Book Review, Jennifer Brown, advisors, students, self-help
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Matthew Hoekstra review of the book Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan. A Simon and Schuster publication.

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Book Review, experience, Matthew Hoekstra, determination, life lessons
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Michelle M. White review of the book A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals (2nd ed.) by William A. Kaplin and Barbara A. Lee. A Wiley publication

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Student Affairs, Legal, Michelle M. White, Book Review, advisors
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Lauren McCarthy review of the book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. A Knopf Doubleday publication.

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Book Review, social justice, advisor, Lauren McCarthy, international issues
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Marisa J. Stevenson review of the book Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future by Tim Elmore. A Poet Gardner Publishing publication.

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Millenials, Book Review, advisors, Marisa J. Stevenson
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Robert A. Johnson review of the book What Color is Your Parachute? Guide to Rethinking Resumes by Richard N. Bolles. A Ten Speed Press publication.

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Career Counseling, Resume, Book Review, advising, Robert A. Johnson, job hunting
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Jay Fuller review of the book Learning As a Way of Leading: Lessons from the Struggle for Social Justice by Stephen Preskill and Stephen D. Brookfield. A Wiley publication.

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Leadership, Book Review, social justice, advisor, Jay Fuller, advising philosophy
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Nova Schauss review of the book Effective Instruction for STEM Disciplines: From Learning Theory to College Teaching by Edward J. Mastascusa, William J. Snyder, and Brian S. Hoyt. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Theory, Book Review, Teaching, advisors, Nova Schauss, STEM
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Stacey Borboa-Peterson review of the book Why do I have to take this course? by Robert Shoenberg. An Association of American Colleges and Universities publication.

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Book Review, General education, academic advisor, Stacey Borboa-Peterson, student guide
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Anne M. London review of the book 101 Things to do Before You Graduate by Patricia Hudak and Jullien Gordon. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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Parents, Book Review, Anne M. London, graduate, college, advisors, advice
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Julie Enciso review of the book Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners by Rosemary M. Lehman and Simone C.O. Conceicao. A Wiley publication.

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Book Review, online, distance, advisors, Julie Enciso
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Julie Enciso review of the book Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners by Rosemary M. Lehman and Simone C.O. Conceicao. A Wiley publication.

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Book Review, online, distance, advisors, Julie Enciso
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LeighMarie Weber review of the book In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development by Chad Hanson. A Wiley publication.

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Student Development, Book Review, higher education, Identity development, LeighMarie Weber
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59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute 101 Things to do Before You Graduate All American Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness College Succes...

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Book Review Index for Issue 35(2)
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Rachel Goldfarb review of the book Mentoring At-Risk Students through the Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education by Buffy Smith. A Lexington Books publication.

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Mentoring, curriculum, Book Review, advising, Rachel Goldfarb, at-risk
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Alison Sommers review of the book Aspiring Adults Adrift by Richard Arum & Josipa Roksa. A University of Chicago Press publication.

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Retention, Alison Sommers, Book Review, higher education, advisors, graduation
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Brendan Wright review of the book College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice by Shaun R. Harper & Frank Harris III. A Wiley publication

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Book Review, academic advising, college, Brendan Wright, masculinity, graduation rates
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Melissa Gudiel review of the book Developing and Sustaining Successful First-Year Programs: A Guide for Practitioners by Gerald M. Greenfield, Jennifer R. Keup, & John N. Gardner. A Wiley publication.

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First Year Experience, Book Review, Orientation , academic advising, Melissa Gudiel, student development theory
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Shannon Lynn Burton review of the book College: What It Was, Is and Should Be by Andrew Delbanco. A Princeton University Press Publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Shannon Lynn Burton, Book Review, academic advising, higher education, college, history
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Gerasimos Kokkinos review of the book Diversity & Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in College by Margery B. Ginsberg and Raymond J.Wlodkowski. A Wiley publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Diversity, Book Review, Teaching, learning, advisors, motivation, Gerasimos Kokkinos
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Lydia Cross review of the book Supporting Online Students: A Guide to Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Services by Anita Crawley. A Wiley publication.

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Technology, Book Review, education, Lydia Cross, online students, resources
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Maria Vita Calkins review of the book Breaking night:  A memoir of forgiveness, survival, and my journey from homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray. A Hyperion publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, challenges, advisor, Maria Vita Calkins, motivation
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Laura R. Piitman review of the book The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli. A Harper Collins publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Laura R. Pittman, Book Review, Thinking, advising, academic advisor, decisions
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Imani Fredricks-Lowman review of the book The Mobile Academy: mLearning for Higher Education by Clark N. Quinn. A Wiley publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Technology, Book Review, higher education, academic advisor, Imani Fredricks-Lowman, mobile
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Holli Fergus review of the book A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout & Sara Corbett. A Simon and Schuster publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, advising, Holli Fergus, lessons, motivate
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Raquel Fong review of the book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. A Random House Publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Habit, development, success, advisor, behavior, Raquel Fong
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Kyle W. Ross review of the book Professors’ GuideTM to Getting Good Grades in College by Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman. A Harper Collins publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

success, Book Review, first-year, college, advice, Kyle W. Ross
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Dana R. Barnes review of the book Your Complete Guide to College Success: How to Study Smart, Achieve Your Goals, and Enjoy Campus Life by Donald J. Foss. An American Psychological Association publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

First year experience, Book Review, college, transition, academic advisor, Dana R. Barnes
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Atiya Jackson review of the book An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. A Howard Books publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Mentor, advisor, Atiya Jackson, connectivity, develop
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Daniel Shelnutt review of the book Curriculum-Based Assessment: A Primer (fourth edition) by Charles Hargis & Charles C. Thomas. A Thomas Books Publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Appreciative Advising, Assessment, curriculum, Book Review, academic advisor, Daniel Shelnutt
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Amy Burns review of the volume Connecting Learning Across the Institution edited by Pamela L. Eddy. A Wiley publication.

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Theory, Amy Burns, Book Review, learning, advising
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Rene Alvarez review of the book How to Be a Person: The Stranger’s Guide to College, Sex, Intoxicants, Tacos, and Life Itself by Lindy West, Dan Savage, Christopher Frizzelle, and Bethany J. Clement. A Sasquatch Books publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, college, Rene Alvarez, advice, academic advisor
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Jeremy J. Hernandez review of the book Choosing a Career in International Development: A Practical Guide to Working in the Professions of International Development by Donovan Russell. A Publishing publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Career, development, international , Jeremy J. Hernandez, students
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Dr. Kristin M. Mauro review of the book I Can Finish College by Marcia Y. Cantarella. A SourcebooksEDU publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, graduate, college success, Kristin M. Mauro, student experience
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Dr. Don Presnell review of the book Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Measuring Systematic Changes to Teaching and Improvements in Learning by Regan A. R. Gurung & Janie H. Wilson. A Jossey-Bass publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Teaching, learning, Don Presnell, improvements, SoTL
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Paul Donaldson review of the book Choices for College Success by Steve Piscitelli. A Pearson publication.

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success, Book Review, academic advising, college, Paul Donaldson
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Jarrod Ennis Patterson review of the book 2012-2013 National Survey of First-Year Seminars: Exploring High-Impact Practices in the First College Year by Dallin Young and Jessica Hopp. A National Resource Center publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, first year, Jarrod Ennis Patterson, seminar, survey
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Marilee Teasley review of the book I Just Graduated…Now What? by Katherine Schwarzenegger. A Crown Publishing (Random House) publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, graduate, stories, Marilee Teasley, advisors
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Matthew Hickey review of the book A Country for All: An Immigrant Manifesto by Jorge Ramos. A Random House publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Reform, policy, Matthew Hickey, immigration
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Tiffany Shaleen Reardon review of the book The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only by Harlan Cohen. A Sourcebooks, Inc. publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, first year, advisor, Parents, Tiffany Shaleen Reardon, guide
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Allison Ramsing review of the book Do Good Well: Your Guide to Leadership, Action and Social Innovation by Nina Vasan and Jennifer Przybylo. A Jossey-Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

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Faith Enemark review of the book The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human by Jonathan Gottschall. A Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

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Martha Reck review of the book Think: Why You Should Question Everything by Guy P. Harrison. An Amherst: Prometheus Books publication.

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Jessica McCabe review of the book The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan. A Scribner (Simon and Schuster) publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, advising, Jessica McCabe, stories, common reader
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K. Leigh Hamm Forell review of Success factors of young African-American Women at a Historically Black College by Ross, M. A Greenwood Publishing publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, women , K. Leigh Hamm Forell, African-American, Historically Black College
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Mark Duslak review of the book Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg. A Vintage Books (Random House) publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Writing, Mark Duslak, writing styles
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Matthew Jeffries review of the book Generation on a Tightrope by Arthur Levine and Diane Dean. A Jossey-Bass publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Matthew Jeffries, college students, attended college between 2005 and 2014
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Arian Adducchio review of the book Called to Serve: A Handbook on Student Veterans and Higher Education by Florence A Hammrick, Corey B. Rumann and Associates. A Wiley publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, higher education, advising, Arian Adducchio, veterans
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Cathlene E. McGraw review of the book Dealing with Diversity by JQ Adams and Pearlie Strother-Adams. A Kendall/Hunt publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Diversity, Book Review, higher education, Cathlene E. McGraw
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Shantalea Johns review of the book Smart School Leaders Leading with Emotional Intelligence by Janet Patti and James Tobin. A Kendall Hunt publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, advising, Shantalea Johns, emotional intelligence, school leaders
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Lauren Albaum review of the book Interactive Open Educational Resources: A Guide to Finding, Choosing, and Using What’s Out There to Transform College Teaching by John D. Shank. A Wiley publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Lauren Albaum, interactive open educational resources, interactive learning materials, ILM, ILMs
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Robert Detwiler review of the book Writing in the Senior Capstone: Theory and Practice by Lea Masiello and Tracy Skipper. A National Resource Center for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, higher education, Robert Detwiler, senior capstone, faculty advising
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Kay Hamada review of the book In Defense of Disciplines: Interdisciplinarity and specialization in the research university by Jerry Jacobs. A University of Chicago Press publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, higher education, Kay Hamada, interdisiplinarity, specialization, faculty advisors
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Theresa Duggar review of the book Governance Reconsidered: How boards, presidents, administrators, and faculty can help their colleges thrive by Susan Resneck Pierce. A Jossey-Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Theresa Duggar, faculty, higher education, goverance, boards, presidents, administrators
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Anthony Iannelli Jr. review of the book Behind the Academic Curtain: How to find success and happiness with a PhD by  Frank Furstenberg. A University of Chicago Press publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, happiness, doctoral programs, Anthony Iannelli Jr., PhD, academic curtain
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Sarah Beebe review of the book Finding Your Way: Navigating Life by Understanding Your Learning Self by Christine A. Johnston. A Let Me Learn publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Professional Development, Learning Style, Book Review, learning, Sarah Beebe, Learning Connections Inventory, LCI, self-improvement
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David M. Anderson review of the book Creating Successful Multicultural Initiatives in Higher Education and Student Affairs by Sherry Watt, Jodi Linley (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, multicultural, higher education, student affairs, David M. Anderson
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Elizabeth Maddeaux review of the book Contemplative Practices in Higher Education by Daniel P. Barbezat and Mirabai Bush. A Jossey-Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Elizabeth Maddeaux, contemplative practices, meditation, journaling, personal-connections
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Anna M. Kent review of the book How to get the teaching job you want: the complete guide for college graduates, teachers changing schools, returning teachers and career changers by Feirson, R. & Weitzman, S. a Stylus publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Career Counseling, Job Search, Book Review, Teaching, Anna M. Kent, College graduates
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Julie Larsen review of the book Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Postmulticulturalism: Shifting the locus of learning in urban teacher education by Gay Wilgus. A Palgrave Macmillan publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Teaching, pedagogy, Postmulticulturalism, urban teacher, Julie Larsen
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Narrative & Experience in Multicultural Education Narrative & Experience in Multicultural Education Narrative & Experience in Multicultu...

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review Index for Issue 26(1)
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Jason T. Mitchell. Review of the book Diversity in Doctoral Education: Implications for Theory and Practice. A Jossey-Bass publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jason T. Mitchell, Book Review, doctorate, Diversity, doctoral programs
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Sarah Howard. Review of the book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, a Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Sarah Howard, Children, childhood development
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Katya Konkle. Review of the book Suing Alma Mater: Higher Education and the Courts. A The Johns Hopkins University Press publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Katya Konkle, higher education law, case study, court, suing
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Jenine Buchanan. A review of the book Training for Life: A Practical Guide to Career & Life Planning. A Kendall Hunt publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Career advising, Book Review, Jenine Buchanan, life advising
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Mehan Ward. Review of the book Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector. A Corwin publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Diversity, Corwin, learning, Meghan Ward, equality
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Jeffrey L McClellan. Review of the book Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education. A publication of Jossey Bass. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Positive Psychology, Jeffrey L McClellan, appreciative inquiry (AI), appreciative education model
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Arline E. Leon-Guerrero. Review of the book Conquering the College Essay in 10 Steps. A publication of Ten Speed Press.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Ten Speed Press, Admissions, Arline Leon-Guerrero, college essay
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Margaret Mbindyo. Review of the book World Scouting: Educating for Global Citizenship by Eduard Vallory. A Palgrave Macmillan publication. 


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Book Review, Globalization , Margaret Mbindyo, scouting, boy scouts, girl scouts, global citizen
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Theresa Lyon. Review of the book Discovering Your Personality Type by Donrichard Riso & Russ Hudson. A Houghton Mifflin publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, advising, personality type, Theresa Lyon, RHETI
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Ted Lind. Review of the book B+ Grades, A+ College Application by Joie Jager-Hyman. A Ten Speed Press (randomhouse) publication.

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Book Review, college search, choosing a college, college fit, Ted Lind
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Alison A Sommers. Review of the book College (Un)Bound: The Future of Higher Education and What it Means for Students. A New Harvest Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publication.

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Book Review, higher education, Alison A Sommers, degree value, education quality
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Christine Simone. Review of the book From entitlement to engagement: Affirming millennial students’ egos in the higher education classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Millennials, Jossey Bass, , Christine Simone, entitlement
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Neete Saha. Review of the book Confessions of a Community College Administrator. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, community college, Neete Saha
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Tiffany N. Labon. Review of the book Welfare Brat: A Memoir. A Bloomsburg publication.

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First generation students, Tiffany N. Labon, Bloomsburg, lower income students
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Heather T. Zeng. Review of the book Creating Balance and Finding Happiness. A Kendall Hunt publication.

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Support, Career advising, Heather Zeng, Book Review, Kendall Hunt, employees
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Jeffrey T. Domagala. Review of the book What Color is Your Parachute? A publication of Ten Speed Press.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Career advising, Jeffrey T. Domagala, Ten Speed Press
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Julie R. Nelson. Review of the book Collegiate Transfer: Navigating the New Normal. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, transfer, transition, Transfer Students, Julie R. Nelson
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Pooja M. Sampat. Review of the book How to Survive your Freshmen Year. A publication of hundreds of heads.

[Read the rest of this article...]

First Year Experience, Hundreds of Heads, freshmen, Pooja M. Sampat
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Caryn N. Morgan. Review of the book New Realities in the Management of Student Affairs: Emerging Specialist Roles and Structures for Changing Times. A Stylus publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Stylus, Administration, Student Affairs, management, Caryn N. Morgan
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Book review index for Issue 27(1)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Index
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Anita Carter. Review of the book Selected Contemporary Assessment Issues. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Assessment, Anita Carter
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Holly Martin. The College Athlete’s Guide to Academic Success. A Pearson publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Holly Martin, Pearson, Student athletes
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Catherine Buyarski. Review of the book Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing. A Krieger publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Diversity, Krieger , Catherine Buyarski
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Book Review Index for Issue 27(2)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Index
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William E. Smith III. Review of the book Foundations of Counseling People: A Guide for the Counseling, Psychological, and Helping Professions. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Counseling, Charles C. Thomas, William E. Smith III
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Erin Justyna. Review of the book Blended learning. A Stylus publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Stylus, Technology, Erin Justyna, blended learning, online learning
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Liz Murdock LaFortune. Review of the book Contemplative Studies in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Student Learning, Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Liz Murdock LaFortune, Interpersonal relations
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Book Review Index for Issue 28(1)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review
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Renée Jones. Review of the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. A Random House publication.

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Random House, Renée Jones, Introverts, Personality types
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Christine R. Cook. Review of the book Preventing College Student Suicide. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Counseling, Jossey Bass, Christine R. Cook, student suicide
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Amber Kargol. Review of the book Teaching Harry Potter: The power of imagination in multicultural classrooms. A Palgrave publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Minority student populations, Palgrave, Amber Kargol, Imagination
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Meghan Ingstrup. The Thinking Life: How to Thrive in the age of distraction. A Palgrave publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Learning Style, Palgrave, Meghan Ingstrup, Thinking
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Derek T. Furukawa. Review of the book Hiring right: Conducting successful searches in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Derek T. Furukawa, Hiring, Career
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Cathy Kennemer. Review of the book Reframing Retention Strategy for Institutional Improvement. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Retention, Cathy Kennemer
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Craig M. McGill. Review of the book The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Research, Jossey Bass, Craig M. McGill
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Veronica Wilson. Review of the book How to Change the World. A Palgrave publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Palgrave, Veronica Wilson, Values
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Molly Morin. Review of the book Get into College. A Hundreds of Heads publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

First generation students, Molly Morin, Hundreds of Heads, Admissions
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Mike Kennamer. Review of the book The Righteous Mind. A Random House publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Random House, Mike Kennamer, Professionalism, Discourse
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Featured Review: Blended Learning: Across the disciplines, across the academy B+ Grades, A+ College Application Choosing Civility: The Twen...

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Index
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Kim Wright. Review of the book Choosing Civility. A Palgrave publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Kim Wright, civility, Palgrave
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Rich Lewine. Review of the book Higher Education in the Digital Age. A publication of The Princeton University Press. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Technology, Princeton University Press, Distance Students, Rich Lewine
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book The Breadth of Current Faculty Development: Practitioners’ Perspectives. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, Faculty Development
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Amy Burns. Review of the book The Civility Solution. A Palgrave publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Amy Burns, civility, Palgrave, Professional relationships
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Gavin Farber. Review of the book I’m Down. A St. Martin's press publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Ethnicity, Student populations, Gavin Farber, minority student
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Emma Waldron. Review of the book What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. A Palgrave Macmillan publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Student Development, Video Games, Palgrave, Emma Waldron
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Book by Tim O’Brien Review Kathryn Clark Department of Political Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Tim O’Brien in...

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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Veteran Students, Kathryn Clark
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Tamie Saffell. Review of the book Digital Media and Learner Identity: The New Curatorship.
A Palgrave Macmillan Publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Palgrave Macmillan, Tamie Saffell, digital media
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Terri Baker. Review of the book Discipline-Centered Learning Communities. A Jossey Bass publication. 

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Terri Baker, Learning Communities
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Jennifer VanDeWoestyne. I am Charlotte Simmons. A Palgrave Macmillan publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Student Development, Palgrave Macmillan, Jennifer VanDeWoestyne, Student issues
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Sandra E. Seay. Review of the book Powerful Techniques for Teaching Adults. A Jossey Bass publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Adult learners, Sandra E. Seay
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Ryan Scheckel. Review of the book The Power of Habit. A Random House publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Random House, Professional Development, Ryan Scheckel, Habit
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Patrick E. Trujillo. Review of the book Identity development of college students. A Jossey Bass publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Patrick E. Trujillo, Identity development
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Lisa Scheese. Review of the book Girls without Limits. A Corwin publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Corwin, Female Students, Lisa Scheese, Girls
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Derek Furukawa. Review of the book 2011 National Survey of Senior Capstone Experiences. A publication of The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience

[Read the rest of this article...]

National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, Derek Furukawa, Seniors, Capstone
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Michelle Barbour. Review of the book You Majored in What? A Penguin publication.

[Read the rest of this article...]

Career advising, Penguin, Michelle Barbour, major advising
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Carol Antill. Review of the book Moonwalking with Einstein. A Penguin publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Learning Style, Carol Antill, Penguin, memory
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Heidi Verticchio. Review of the book Humanity, Diversity, & The Liberal Arts. A Kendall Hunt publication

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Liberal Arts, Kendall Hunt, Heidi Verticchio, General education
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Sarah Syversen. Review of the book The Student EQ Edge. A Wiley publication

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, Sarah Syversen, Emotional well being
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Michiko Bigus. Review of the book International perspectives on the first-year experience in higher education. A publication of The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience.

[Read the rest of this article...]

National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, International students, Michiko Bigus
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Matt Eng. Review of the book Career Development and Planning. A Kendall Hunt Publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Career advising, Matt Eng, Kendall Hunt
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Kathryn S. Snider. Review of the book Developing Students' Leadership Capacity. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student learning outcomes, Jossey Bass, Kathryn S. Snider, Leadership building
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Book Review Index for Issue 30(1)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Index, Journal
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Leah R. Kicinski. Review of the book Codes of Conduct in Academica. A Josey Bass publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Leah R. Kicinski, Codes of conduct
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Courtney O. Heath. Review of the book College Drinking. A Stylus publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Stylus, At Risk Students, Courtney O. Heath, Drinking, Discipline
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Kiana Shiroma. Review of the book Writing the winning thesis or dissertation. A Corwin publication

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Graduate Students, Corwin, Kiana Shiroma
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Book Review Index for Issue 30(2)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review, Index
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Tyrone Smith. Review of the book The Study Skills Toolkit for Students with Dyslexia. A Corwin publication.

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Students with disabilities, Corwin, Tyrone Smith
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Book Review Index for NACADA Journal Issue 31(1)

[Read the rest of this article...]

Book Review Index for Issue 31(1)
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Douglas A. Smith. Review of the book Daring the Doctorate. A Rowman & Littlefield publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Graduate Students, Douglas A. Smith, Rowman & Littlefield
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Laurie Roberson. Review of the book Strategies, Outcomes, and Lessons for School-College Partnerships. A Jossey Bass publication

[Read the rest of this article...]

Jossey Bass, Laurie Roberson, University administration
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book review index for NACADA Journal issue 31(2)

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book review index for issue 31(2)
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Steven J. Bailey. 

Review of the book Emerging Issues and Practices in Peer Education by Lee Burdette Williams

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Jossey Bass, Steven J. Bailey, Peer education
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Alyssa Mittleider. Review of the book Alternative Pathways to the Baccalaureate. A Stylus publicationl

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Community Colleges, Alyssa Mittleider
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Janice Gunes. Review of the book Multinational Colleges and Universities. A Jossey Bass Publication

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Jossey Bass, Janice Gunes, International programs, global learning
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Book by Penny A. Pasque & Shelley Errington Nicholson Review by Abby Coffin School of Engineering University of Kansas Pasque and Nicholson&r...

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Stylus, Abby Coffin, Female Students
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Daniel Friedman. Review of the book The First Year Seminar.
A publication of the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience, First Year Seminar

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National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, First Year Seminar, Daniel Friedman
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Janis Albright. Review of the book "The First Year Experience" A Rowman and Littlefield Publication.

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Rowman and Littlefield, Janis Albright
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Featured Review: Liberal Arts at the Brink Building Your Career: A guide to your future, (Fourth Edition) College Rules! How to study, surviv...

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Book review index of issue 32(1)
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Matt Church Review of the book "At Risk Students". John Hopkins Press

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At Risk Students, John Hopkins Press, Matt Church
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Ryan Tomasiewicz Review of the book "Asperger’s Syndrome, Students with Disabilities"

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Ryan Tomasiewicz, Asperger’s Syndrome, Students with Dissabilities
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John Igwebuike. A Review of the book "The University in the Global Age"
A Palgrave Macmillan Publication.

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Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, Diversity, John Igwebuike
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Sybil Holloway. Review of the book Students with disabilities a Jessica Kingsley Publication.

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Sybil Holloway, Students with disabilities, Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Melissa Moravec. Review of the book Interpersonal Boundaries. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey-Bass, Melissa Moravec, Interpersonal Boundaries
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Derrick Gunter. A review of the book "What They didn’t Teach You in Graduate School"
A Stylus Publication

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Stylus, Graduate Students, Derrick Gunter
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Melissa Callens. Review of the book College Seniors, Career Advising. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, Melissa Vosen Callens, College Seniors
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Book by Jean Henscheid & Jennifer Keup Review by: Michael J. Magee Academic Advisor Political Science - College of Arts & Sciences ...

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Research, National Resource Center for The First Year Exper, Michael Magee, Transfer Students
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Alisa Trotter. Review of the book Facilitating the Moral Growth of College Students.
 A Jossey Bass Publication.

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Alisa Trotter
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Featured Review: Transforming Undergraduate Education:Theory That Compel and Practices That Succeed Advancing the integrity of professional prac...

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Book Review, Index
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Ronald Banks. Review of the book Access to Higher Education Through Consortia. A Wiley publication

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Ronald Banks, Wiley, consortia, articulation, transfer
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Julie H. Murphy. Review of the book The Conditions for Admission: Access, equity, and the social contract of public universities. A publication of The Stanford University press

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Admissions, Julie H. Murphy, Stanford University press, affirmative action
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Douglas Munski. Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Douglas Munski, online, learning communities virtual
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Gene Chintala. Review of the book The Law of Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Gene Chintala, higher education, law
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David Bucci. Review of the book Earnings from Learning: The Rise of For-Profit Universities. A publication of SUNY Press.

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David Bucci, SUNY Press, for profit universities, proprietary institutions
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Stephen Neer. Review of the book Key Issues in New Student Enrollment. A Jossey Bass publication

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student, Jossey Bass, Stephen Neer, enrollment, freshman, first-year
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Lorneth Peters. Review of the book Neither White Nor Male. A Wiley publication.

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Diversity, Administration, Gender, faculty, Wiley, multicultural, Lorneth Peters, color
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Kathleen Carpenter. Review of the book Closing the leadership gap

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Leadership, Corwin, Kathleen Carpenter, K-12
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Terri J. Tharp. Review of the book Preparing Teachers for a Changing World. A Wiley publication

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Wiley, Terri J. Tharp, teacher education, education
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Julie Givans. Education’s End: Why our colleges and universities have given up on the meaning of life. A publication of the Yale University Press.

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education, Julie Givans, Yale University press, philosphy, meaning
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Responsibility at Work: How leading professionals act (or don’t act) responsibly. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, work, workplace, responsibility
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Johanna E. Pionke. Review of the book Excellence in college teaching and learning: Classroom and online instruction. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Charles C. Thomas, Teaching, learning, online, Johanna E. Pionke
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Ross Hawkins. Review of the book College Student Death. A publication of the University Press of America.

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Counseling, Ross Hawkins, University Press, death, campus response
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Michael H. Turpin. Review of the book Core indicators of effectiveness for community colleges. A publication of the Community College Press.

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Assessment, Community College Press, Michael H. Turpin, effectiveness, Community Colleges
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Janice Güneş. Review of the book The CEO contract. A publication of the Community College Press

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Janice Güneş College administration, Community College Press
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Laura R. Pittman. The Shaping of American Higher Education: Emergence and Growth of the Contemporary System

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Jossey Bass, Laura R. Pittman, higher education
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Joyce E. Howland. Review of the book Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Joyce E. Howland, multicultural
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Harold W. Faw. Review of the book Teaching at the University Level. A Charles C. Thomas publication

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Global education, multicultural, Harold W. Faw, Chalres C. Thomas publishers
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Linda Mayhew. e-Portfolios: Emerging opportunities for Student Affairs. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Linda Mayhew, e-portfolios
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Matthew Church. Review of the book From Rangeland to Research University. A Jossey Bass publication

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Matthew Church, Merced, campus development
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Stephanie Hamington. Review of the book The emergency teacher. A Skyhorse publication

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Disadvantaged students, Stephanie Hamington, Skyhorse, public schools
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Carrie Jodelka. Review of the book The Gigantic Book of Teachers’ Wisdom. A Skyhorse publication

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Learning Style, curriculum, Carrie Jodelka, Skyhorse
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J. Valdés. Review of the book Mixed Methods in Social Inquiry. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, J. Valdés, Mixed methods
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Rebecca Daly Cofer. Review of the book Voyage to Success: Your College Adventure Guide. A publication of Life After Graduation.

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Orientation , Study Skills, Life After Graduation, Rebecca Daly Cofer, freshman year experience, fye
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Life During College: Your Guide to Success, 2nd Edition. A publication of Life After Graduation.

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Orientation , Life After Graduation, Sybil L. Holloway, freshman, fye
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Erica Richards. Review of the book Your financial future: A guide to life after graduation. a publication of Life After Graduation.

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Finances, Life After Graduation, Erica Richards, graduate, debt
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Review of the book Backpack to Briefcase. A publication of Life After Graduation.

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Career advising, student success, Retention, Life After Graduation, Gregg A. Henderschiedt
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Jeremy Hernandez. Review of the book blended learning in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Jeremy Hernandez, Principles, guidelines
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Jean Fulton. Review of the book On Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Jossey Bass, Jean C. Fulton, Teaching, learning, Dialogue
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Adam Duberstein. Review of the book Educating for democracy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Adam Duberstein, democracy, political engagement
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Susan Neste. Review of the book Fostering Student Success in the Campus Community. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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student success, Jossey Bass, Susan Neste
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Zebeen Panju. Review of the book Beyond Tests and Quizzes, Creative Assessments in the College Classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Teaching, Zebeen Panju
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Kelsey Smyth. Review of the book Career Trek. A Pearson publication.

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Career advising, Pearson, Kelsey Smyth
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Judy R. Albakry. Review of the book The Essential Academic Dean. A Wiley publication.

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Administration, Leadership, Wiley, Judy R. Albakry, dean
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Nicole P. Roop. Review of the book Building a winning career in engineering. A Pearson publication

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Pearson, Engineering students, Nicole P. Roop
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Vanessa Bouey. Review of the book Learning to learn. A Pearson publication. 

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Pearson, Learning Style, Vanessa Bouey
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Loni Bordoloi. The graphic syllabus and the outcomes map. A Wiley publication

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Wiley, Loni Bordoloi, Syllabus, Outcomes
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Haley Richards. Review of the book Building Cultural Intelligence. A Pearson publication. 

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Pearson, multicultural, Haley Richards, Cultural
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Juanita McMath. Review of the book Leadership and futuring. A Corwin publication

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Leadership, Corwin, Juanita McMath, planning, leaders
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Jennifer Klosterman-Lando. Review of the book The school as a home for the mind. A Corwin publication. 

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Corwin, curriculum, Jennifer Klosterman-Lando, Instruction
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Carol Ann Baily. Review of the book The Jossey-Bass Reader on the brain and learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Carol Ann Baily
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Julie L. Amon. Responding to the Realities of Race on Campus (New Directions for Student Services #120). A Jossey Bass publication.  

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Jossey Bass, multicultural, Julie Amon, race
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Maura M. Reynolds. Review of the book Curriculum development in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, curriculum, Maura M. Reynolds
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Book by Fred C. Lunenburg and Beverly J. Irby Review by Monica Kempland Academic Advisor, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology Sai...

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Corwin, Monica Kempland, dissertation, Thesis
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Sarah Keeling. The formation of scholars: Rethinking doctoral education for the twenty-first century. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Research, Jossey Bass, dissertation, Sarah Keeling
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Kimberly Kozubovska. The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Mentoring, Jossey Bass, Kimberly Kozubovska
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Jill Wagner. How to Talk about Hot Topics on Campus. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Jill Wagner, Arthur Chickering, Conversation
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Katie Beres. Review of the book The First Year Out: Understanding American teens after high school. A publication of The University of Chicago Press.

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Millennials, Katie Beres, University of Chicago Press, freshmen
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Edward L. Vaughn. Review of the book Strategic Financial Challenges for Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Edward L. Vaughn, Campus finances
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Audra J. Frick. Review of the book Emotionally Intelligent Leadership A Guide for College Students.

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Jossey Bass, Audra J. Frick, Leadership students
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Christy Carter. Review of the book On becoming a woman leader: Learning from the experiences of university presidents. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, women , Christy Nosek Carter
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Cheryl Blake Price. Review of the book Designing Writing Assignments. A publication of NCTE

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Cheryl Blake Price, NCTE, Student Learning Objectives, Writing
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Betty J. Sanford. Review of the book Assisting Bereaved College Students. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, death, Betty J. Sanford, Grief
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Heather T. Zeng. Review of the book The Mixed Methods reader. A SAGE publication.

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Student learning outcomes, Learning Style, SAGE, Heather T. Zeng
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Jacqueline M. Slaughter. Review of the book Assessing Student Learning in General Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jacqueline M. Slaughter, Jossey Bass, General education
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Heather Zeng. Review of the book Evaluation Practice. A publication of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

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Heather Zeng, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Evaluation
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Michelle Bombaugh. Review of the book In view of academic careers and career-making scholars. An Information Age publication.

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, faculty, Michelle Bombaugh, New Age Publication
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Jamie Reynolds. Review of the book Doing qualitative research. A SAGE publication.

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Research, SAGE, Jamie Reynolds
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Marcelle Heerschap. Trainer’s Warehouse Book of Games: Fun and Energizing Ways to Enhance Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Marcelle Heerschap, training, development
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Rebecca McCarson. Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Jossey Bass, Adult learners, Rebecca McCarson
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Marlene Clapp. Student and academic affairs collaboration: The divine comity

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NASPA, Student Services, student affairs, Marlene Clapp
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Mandy Anderson. Review of the book Challenges of the faculty career for women: Success & sacrifice. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, faculty, women , Mandy Anderson
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Timothy J. Jones. Review of the book Engaging Ideas. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student learning outcomes, Jossey Bass, Timothy J. Jones, Teaching style
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Review of the book In the company of women: Indirect agression among women. A Penguin publication.

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Communication, Stephanie Ritrievi, Penguin, women
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Craig T. Layman. Review of the book Generational Learning Styles. A publication of Learning Resource Network.

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Learning styles, Craig T. Layman, Learning Resource Network
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Holly E. Martin. Review of the book Managing parent partnerships. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Parents, Jossey Bass, Holly E. Martin, parent involvement
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Alison Sommers. Review of the book Faculty Incivility. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Alison Sommers, bullying, work environment, faculty conduct
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Brenda L. Banks. Review of the book The Essential Department Chair. A Jossey Bass publication

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College Administration, Jossey Bass, Brenda L. Banks, Department Chair
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Effective leadership communication. A Jossey Bass publication.

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College Administration, Leadership, Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White
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Susan Bates. Review of the book Transfer Student Companion. A Cengage publication

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Transfer Students, Cengage, Susan Bates
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Review of the book The Appreciative Advising Revolution. A Stipes publication.

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Appreciative Advising, Nancy G. Howell, Stipes
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