Health Professions Advising Community

The Health Professions Advising Community is for advisors who work with students preparing for careers in the health professions, ranging from medicine, dentistry, and optometry to nursing, pharmacy, and other areas of health care. The focus of this community is to provide a means for sharing best practices, exchanging ideas, discussing current trends and creating resources that can help advisors better help their students. If you would like to get more involved in the areas listed below, email the Chair:

  1. Write, submit, and present a proposal to a regional or national conference
  2. Lead a project or subcommittee for this group to create resources or host an online discussion
  3. Represent us at a regional or national conference
  4. Serve on the Steering Committee

  • David Owens
    David Owens Chair 2022-2024 Indiana University Bloomington Region 5