Advising in an Online Setting

$300 member
$500 non-member

The Advising in an Online Setting eTutorial explores the roles advisors play in different online environments and identifies tools/strategies to effectively and equitably engage advisees in virtual advising settings.

[All content is self-contained within the eTutorial. No additional materials are required.]

What you'll learn:

  • Understand the different roles advisors play for different student populations in online environments
  • Identify tools and strategies for effectively and equitably engaging advisees in virtual advising settings
  • Develop a personal philosophy of advising in an online setting

Who this is for:

  • New advising professionals
  • Those interested in improving their online advising practice

About this eTutorial:

Advising in an Online Setting provides theoretical and practical background for advising students in and through online settings. Participants will explore their role in online advising, understand various student populations served by and advising contexts delivering online advising, review techniques for managing and engaging with an assigned caseload of advisees, and apply their learning to their personal philosophy of online advising delivery. 

Module One: The Landscape of Online Advising: Your Role and Context

Topics Covered:

  • Review the different roles advisors play for different student populations in an online environment
  • Identify their role/purpose in providing virtual advising services for students
  • Identify three tools available to aid in online advising services at their institution

Module Assessments:

  • Discussion Board
  • Written Assignment

Module Two: The Students in Online Advising - Identifying Challenges & Adjusting for Equity

Topics Covered:

  • Identify successes/challenges students have with online advising services
  • Learn how to engage advisees in an online/virtual environment by building rapport
  • Describe what aspects of online advising need to be adjusted for equity

Module Assessments:

  • Discussion Board
  • Written Assignment

Module Three: Continuous Improvement in Online Advising to Meet Student Needs

Topics Covered:

  • Identify an area for improvement in online advising experience
  • Create a plan to improve some aspect of online advising for more equitable experience

Module Assessments:

  • Written Assignment

Module Four: Online Advising Approaches and Philosophy

Topics Covered:

  • Articulate personal philosophy of online advising
  • Finalize plan for improvement project

Module Assessments:

  • Personal Philosophy of Advising for Online Context
  • Improvement Project Plan
November 2024 Icon

November 2024

November 6 - December 10