The Career Advising eTutorial explores integrating academic and career advising, theories of career development, career advising competencies, and ethical and equity-based scaled programming.
Academic Advisors are often in the position to support the discovery of unique strengths, skills, interests, and passions that allow students to make informed life decisions (McCalla-Wriggins, 2009). As more students enter higher education struggling to express their professional career goals, there is increased momentum for the integration of academic and career advising. In this eTutorial, participants will receive an introduction to career development theories, explore how career advising fits with the NACADA Pillars of Academic Advising (Concept, Core Values, Core Competencies, and Standards), and understand the conceptual and relational aspects of career advising to gain a better understanding of the breadth of knowledge that goes into an equitable environment from the career advising lens.
Topics Covered:
Module Assessments:
November 6 - December 10