Vision & Mission


To secure the place of the NACADA Journal within the leading journals in higher education by building a robust literature base about academic advising and its relationship to student learning and success in higher education through the publication of rigorous empirical, theoretical, and philosophical works.


The mission of the NACADA Journal is to advance the field of academic advising through the publication of peer-reviewed research and scholarship that contributes to our understanding and improvement of the learning experiences of all students within an academic advising context.

Inclusion Statement:

In 2018, the NACADA Journal Editorial Board agreed that manuscripts submitted to the Journal must include inclusive language that values and supports the diverse communities within advising and higher education. Inclusion is central to the success of our students, our advising community, and to higher education.  As academic advisors, scholar-practitioners, and scholars, we recognize that language, identity, and power matter when creating inclusive articles and we welcome critical literature that will challenge the field of academic advising.  As an Editorial Board, we will strive to make the NACADA Journal an equitable environment for authors, reviewers, and readers.

Advancing the Field through Inclusive Research and Scholarship:

The Journal encourages submission of original empirical, theoretical, and philosophical works that add to the discourse about the research, theory, and practice of academic advising and is applicable and transferable to multiple higher education contexts. The Journal especially values and encourages scholarship that examines the contextual and cultural diversity of higher education to support equity for all students in the academic advising experiences.

The Journal offers academic and student affairs leaders, administrators, faculty members, and academic advising practitioners insight into contemporary thinking and perspectives about academic advising from scholars representing all disciplines and fields of study. The original research adds to the growing body of evidence that connects academic advising to gains in student learning and success and informs the practice of academic advising as integral to the teaching and learning missions of institutions of all types.