Position Announcements

NACADA maintains a listing of available positions related to advising as submitted by institutions. To add a position announcement to the list, you will need to purchase access to the Position Announcement Submission Form. Click the link below to complete your purchase. Once payment is submitted you will be directed to the submission form. 

Member: $50
Non-Member: $100

All payments must be completed online with a credit card. No checks or PO are accepted for position postings.
Position posting purchases are nonrefundable.

Positions will remain posted for two months or until the application due date, unless NACADA is otherwise notified. Every effort will be made to process and post your position announcement the day it is submitted but at high volume periods it can additional time to get your announcement posted.

Region 3 Position Announcements

Region Position Date Posted
Mid South Region 3 Academic Advisor Wednesday, February 12, 2025