Ethics & Copyright

Ethics and Copyright: Manuscripts submitted to the NACADA Review should not be currently under review by another journal or been made available in print (e.g., working paper series) or on the Internet. In addition:

  • Through the submission process, authors are required to review and agree to the terms of the NACADA Author Agreement
  • Authors must secure permission from appropriate institutional review boards for use of human participants in research.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for previously  published material, including graphics and data. Author contributions found to use plagiarized or self-plagiarized material will not be accepted for publication.
  • Authors assign all copyright to the article for the full term of the copyright and all renewals and extensions to the NACADA Review and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY NC 4.0) License which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the authorship and initial publication in this journal.

 These and other policies may be found in the following document: Scholarly Publication Policies
For NACADA's statement and policies on plagiarism, see: NACADA Plagiarism Policy & Procedure


Copyright: All materials in the NACADA Review are copyrighted by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.

Fair Use: NACADA members are encouraged to use properly cited quotations as part of scholarly research; likewise, they are encouraged to share articles with individual colleagues. However, the use or reprinting of Journal articles for advisor in-service, campus newsletters, advisors handbooks, etc. requires copyright permission from NACADA.

NACADA's Fair Use Policy

NACADA holds the exclusive copyright for all NACADA publications, including all that appears in electronic (Web, video, CD, audio download, streaming video, etc.) and nonelectronic (print) form. Copyright protects the expression in the work, not the facts, information, or ideas. However, since copyright protects the format, organization, sequence, and style of publications as part of the expression, paraphrasing is only appropriate for limited portions of the original and should credit the source. Close paraphrasing is akin to direct quotation thus permission must be sought from NACADA before using NACADA copyrights materials.

Note: NACADA never grants permission to use works for which authors have retained copyright (institutional handbooks linked from the Clearinghouse and conference presentation handouts are two notable examples). When NACADA does not own copyright it is usually noted on the Web page that links to the materials. In such instances, requesters should obtain permission directly from the authors.


Member benefit publications: The NACADA Journal, NACADA Review, Academic Advising Today, and the Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources (found on the NACADA Web site) are received or accessed as benefits of NACADA membership and thus are known as 'member benefit publications.'

Member discounted Publications and Materials: Monographs, books, pocket guides (in print or CD format), and specialty publications (DVDs, Webinars, CDs, video, etc.) that are offered for purchase are NOT “member benefit publications” and thus are known as “member discounted publications and materials.”

Permissions for Use in Scholarly Research

To advance the advising profession, NACADA members are encouraged to share information found in NACADA resources with individual colleagues. Therefore, current NACADA members may use information in these publications free of charge for scholarly research purposes, when cited appropriately in the end product. Short quotations and data originally published by NACADA may be used as specifically permissible under prevailing fair use law (see

The reproduction or use of chapters, articles, pages, clips, or partial pages/clips from NACADA publications is strictly forbidden for any purpose without express, written permission from NACADA. For specific information about requesting written permission from NACADA, see Requesting Persmission to Use NACADA Materials (below). Information on fair use law, including the latest amendments, can be obtained through the U.S. Copyright Office at

NACADA Member* Use of NACADA Materials for Campus Publications and Workshops

*Membership status is based on the date that the material is used or permission is requested; it is not related to the publication date of the material.

Member benefit publication use: NACADA members* may use or copy articles, pages, or partial pages from NACADA member benefit publications (see definitions above) for their own internal campus use such as workshops; campus newsletters; password protected Intranet, e-reserves or e-Learning systems (i.e. Blackboard, WebCT, Axio Learning, etc.). (Note: this does not cover course usage). Copies must contain the following statement in a prominent place:

'Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title of the publication]. Copyright [Year] by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) .'
NACADA asks that individuals using NACADA member benefit publications on their campuses inform NACADA of which materials are used via email at .

Member Discounted Publications and Materials Use: NACADA members* may use up to 1000 words, 3 minutes, or 10% of a publication (whichever is less) from a purchased publication / material for internal campus use.

Please note that downloading of Member Discounted (Purchased) Publications and Materials to e-Learning systems (i.e. Blackboard, WebCT, Axio Learning, etc.) or campus Intranet systems is strictly prohibited without express written permission from NACADA. Request permission via email at Note:

  1. Permission is most apt to be given when the materials meeting the guidelines above are placed on a password protected Intranet, e-reserve, or e-Learning system (i.e. Blackboard, WebCT, Axio Learning, etc.) site one scene or one chapter at a time.
  2. Permission is not generally granted for copying of large portions of publications that are currently for sale.

Contact NACADA at with questions regarding your particular situation.

Nonmember Use of NACADA materials

Nonmembers must request permission to use all NACADA materials except for short cited quotations as noted under 'Permissions for Use in Scholarly Research' (see above). Request permission via email at

Note: nonmembers are limited to using only 10% of any NACADA web page for internal campus use only.

Requesting Permissions for Use in Fee-Based Services

Members* and nonmembers must secure written permission from NACADA to use or reprint copyrighted material for any use where end users are charged a fee. This includes uses in courses, Webinars, consultations, workshops etc. NACADA maintains the right to charge a fee for materials used in this manner. Request permission via email at

Request permission to use NACADA materials by contacting NACADA at:

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Ave, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS   66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732

Notation to be used with materials where permission has been granted:

'Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title]. Copyright [Year] by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising (NACADA)'