Each quarter, NACADA and NACADA Center for Research at Kansas State University joint publish a newsletter featuring scholarly work begin accomplished throughout the globe focused on academic advising. The newsletter also highlights for NACADA members and non-members alike to participate to enhance their own scholarly practice. Columns include:

  • From the Research Center, highlights from the Director of the NACADA Center for Research
  • NACADA Research Committee, updates from the Chair of the NACADA Research Committee
  • Reflections on Research, a column from the Managing Editor focused on the path of those newer to scholarly inquiry
  • Highlights from the Global Community, a partnership column with our colleagues from UKAT
  • From the Editors, a joint column from the editors of the NACADA Journal and NACADA Review
  • NACADA Scholars, a celebration of NACADA members who have either published a peer-reviewed article or recently passed their doctoral defense
  • Events & Happenings, an update of upcoming events related to research and scholarly inquiry

Read this quarter's newsletter, HERE.

form imageEach quarter we want to highlight the advising-related scholarly contributions by NACADA members across the globe.  To submit your doctoral defense or publication recognition, please complete this form by 12:00 pm Central time on the last day of March, June, September, and December (respectively).

Please contact the NACADA Research Center at [email protected] with any questions.