2026 Assessment Institute

23rd Annual Assessment Institute

Kansas City, MO

Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza

February 4-6, 2026

What to Expect:

Assessment of academic advising is essential for a successful and effective academic advising program on any campus. This working institute will be an intensive two and a half days focused on the components of a successful assessment program as well as specific strategies and tools for developing and implementing assessment programs on your campus.

Why You Should Attend:

  • Develop a vision for advising on your campus
  • Understand national resources that offer student feedback & information about advising
  • Learn how to identify resources & allies in the areas of institutional Research & Institutional Planning
  • Learn to connect your plan to the institutional strategic planning process
  • Learn how to communicate this information to campus colleagues to generate collaboration & understanding
  • Use benchmarking to document the success of your plan

We extend a warm welcome to everyone who is professionally engaged in academic advising; helping students in higher education to realize their dreams and reach their full potential. Get involved in our global community, and benefit from the experience and insights of over 12,000 advising colleagues – and share yours with them!