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As the scope of the advising profession grows and deepens, individual advisors will be increasingly expected to conduct research. The research process remains, for many of us, a mysterious process that we are reticent to embrace. While we long to contribute to the growth of academic advising as a profession, we struggle with the practical methodology to do so. Academic advisers are consummate practitioners, but translating this significant work into research and writing that "composes our profession" often remains a distant goal.

The "Writer's Support Initiative" of the NACADA Research Center was created to provide all levels of support for the research and writing that become the composition of our profession, ensuring its stability and application across the higher education community. Whether you have only a vague idea of how you may contribute to the discipline of academic advising or a completed research study that you have yet to translate into a journal article, you can collaborate to join the conversation of research and writing in our profession.

Writing Philosophy

Writing Support Groups

Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer oversight of virtual writing groups this academic year, but there are lots of reasons to create groups of your own!

Connecting with other writers across the advising profession will allow you: to receive valuable and worthwhile feedback, gain insight into the research and writing process of your colleagues, maintain accountability so that you make sufficient progress on your projects, and learn about significant ideas across our profession. 

Virtual meeting platforms can be used to organize groups according to your group's needs within the writing process. Consider the different types of groups that fit your goals and your "season" in the writing process, and work together to organize a time that works for you and your colleagues. Plan subsequent meetings and regularity based on the group's needs. 

How could you find other members? Post on NACADA-related social media platforms or Advising Community listservs to share your desire to connect. Or check with your institution's writing center to see if they offer workshops and networking support. You can do it!

Description of groups:

- Group 1: Idea Generation

“As a practicing academic advisor (primary role or faculty), I see the need for research and writing that deepens my engagement with the profession. I’d like to meet with a virtual writing group to discuss ideas and how my unique experience could be transformed into a journal article or research study.”

- Group 2: Idea Development

“As a practicing academic advisor (primary role or faculty), I have an idea I would like to share with my colleagues or that I think would make a great research study. I’d like to meet with a virtual writing group to discuss with my colleagues how I can take my idea and move it forward effectively.”

- Group 3: Drafting and Revising

“As a primary role or faculty advisor, I have an initial draft of a journal article or research study, and I need feedback. I would like to meet with a virtual writing group of my colleagues to gain critical feedback on what I’ve written and developed thus far.”