Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? The answers, or at least more information may be found by clicking the questions in our FAQ list. If you can't find what you're looking for here, contact us at [email protected]  or call the NACADA Executive Office.

Need to narrow the list a bit? Click on the category names at the top of the list below to filter the results.

Other FAQs
What is an Institutional Membership?

The institutional membership was initially created as some higher education institutions would not purchase individual memberships for their employees.

A NACADA institutional membership provides benefits for only one person, however it:

  • Is transferable to another advising professional, should the original institutional member leave his/her advising position
  • Supports institution accreditation
  • Satisfies grant requirements
  • Communicates institutional support of high quality academic advising experiences for its students

A NACADA institutional membership is $225/year and one individual at an institution is designated as the key contact. This key contact is the only person who may receive discounts on NACADA events and resources. Please be aware that a NACADA institutional membership is not to be considered an “umbrella” membership for all individuals at an institution. Its specific benefits are noted in the bullets above. Often, it is more economical to purchase general memberships at $95 per person per year so that all personnel may receive NACADA discounted events and resources. A combination of institutional or general memberships may be purchased.

I forgot my NACADA website password. What do I do?

To recover your password, re-visit the NACADA site login page at

Click the I forgot my password radio button on the right side of the page.

In the field labeled User name or ID type in your xxxxxxxxx email address (we use your official/work email address as your user name to help prevent duplicate user names).

Click the Next button at the lower-right corner of the page. If you previously setup a secret question and answer, the system should prompt you for that information and when successfully answered, allow you to reset your password. If no secret question has been configured, click the Yes button indicating that you want the information emailed to you. The system should then respond that it has sent your password reset information to the email address we have for you in our system.

The email is usually received in just a few minutes, but could be delayed for various reasons. If you do not receive the email, check your junk mail.

Once signed in, visit your profile page and setup a secret question and answer to make password recovery easier in the future. Click on your login name in the upper-right corner of any of our web page to access your profile page.

If you would prefer to not try the above steps, you can call us in the Executive Office. We will attempt to verify you are who you claim to be and can set a temporary password to get you signed-in.

View the How to retrieve a lost password.pdf.

How do I change my NACADA website password?

Once signed in, click your name at the top of any NACADA page. This will open your profile page. There will be several sections of information displayed, many of which are editable.

To change your email preferences, scroll down to the My Demographics section and click on the Communications tab.

I created an account. Why can't I sign-in to the website?

To get signed in to our website the first time, please visit the sign in page at

Click the I forgot my password radio button on the right side of the page.

In the field labeled User name or ID type in your work email address (we use your official/work email address as your user name to help prevent duplicate user names).

Click the Next button at the lower-right corner of the page. The system should then respond that it has sent your password reset information to the email address we have for you in our system.

The emails are usually received in just a few minutes, but could be delayed for various reasons. If you don't receive the email, check your junk email folder to be sure it was not inadvertently misfiled. Sometimes the emails get blocked by campus email filters before they ever reach your inbox.

If you don’t receive the email or would prefer to not try the above steps, you can call us in the Executive Office at 785-532-5717. We will attempt to verify you are who you claim to be and can set a temporary password to get you signed-in.

How do I update my own NACADA profile information?

Once signed in to our website, click your name at the top of any NACADA page. This will open your profile page. There will be several sections of information displayed, many of which are editable.

Scroll down your profile page to access the available sections.

How do I update my organizational information?

Many items within your NACADA profile are editable, but we don't allow the editing of organizational names due to the many, many variations that people use when referring to their institutions.

To update your institutional information, contact us at the NACADA Executive Office at 785-532-5717, [email protected].

May I suggest a resource for the NACADA website?

The resources listed on our site have been recommended to us by members of our association who have had experience with the services being recommended. If you are a current member of NACADA, want to recommend a resource for other members, and are not seeking to promote your own services or products, feel free to send us the pertinent information for consideration.

Unfortunately, we do not accept unsolicited recommendations for services directly from providers or vendors.

Where can I find the LISTSERV frequently asked questions?

There is a separate frequently asked question list for our LISTSERV lists. It can be found at