Exploring the Intersectionality of First Generation Students
Hosted by: First Generation College Student Advising Community & Social Justice Advising Community
Monday, March 31 | 2 p.m. central
In this workshop there will be a panel discussion about supporting First-Generation students of equity-deserving identities and the strengths they bring to post-secondary education as well as the barriers they may experience. This will be followed by a discussion where attendees can share best practices for supporting this population of students.
Panelist(s): Zach Desjardins, University of Albany; Dan Birch, University of Calgary
Members: Be sure to login to access the session.
The Zoom link will GO LIVE 15 minutes before the start of the event. Membership status of all attendees will be verified prior to being admitted into the event. Early arrival to the event is strongly encouraged to ensure that you are able to be admitted prior to the start of the event.