NACADA Discussion Forums

NACADA members login to access NACADA's discussion forum topics below.

The forums are meant for NACADA members to share, post, discuss, and comment regarding topics in advising. There are Forums set up for General Discussion, a variety of Advising Topics, and Advising Research. All members have access to ALL forums, you decide where your topic works best. These discussions are meant to be member to member, if you have a question or inquiry for the NACADA Executive Office, email [email protected].

If you have questions, view the FAQ at the bottom of the page or email us.

Discussion Forum FAQ

How to add topic?

To add a new topic within any forum, select the appropriate forum name. Click the blue "Add New Topic" and use the popup editor to add your discussion. Be sure to include a subject. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the editor the post your topic.

How to reply to an existing topic?

Click into the Forum and select the topic you want to contibute to. Click the blue "Add Reply." Add your reply to the Message box and click "Submit" at the bottom to save your reply.

How to subscribe?

NACADA members are able to subscribe to specific forums and topics.

To subscribe to and a discussion or advising topic, click the forum name. Check the checkbox next to "Click to subscribe to this forum." Once you subscribe you will receive an email each time someone posts in the specific advising topic forum.

To subscribe to a specific topic within a forum, click the forum name, then click the topic/question/discussion. Check the box next to "Check this box to subscribe to this topic." Note, you will receive an email each time there is a post within this topic.

There is not an option to receive a topic digest. To unsubscribe, uncheck the subscribe box in the appropriate location.

How to report a post?

If you feel there is post within a forum or topic that needs to reported for possible removal to the NACADA EO, click the "Alert" button. Complete the Report Content and submit. NACADA staff will be alerted for review.

How to post a position announcement on the NACADA website.

To post a position announcement on the NACADA website please visit,


We extend a warm welcome to everyone who is professionally engaged in academic advising; helping students in higher education to realize their dreams and reach their full potential. Get involved in our global community, and benefit from the experience and insights of over 12,000 advising colleagues – and share yours with them!