Register Now All presenters are asked to register by August 15. If you have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible. You can access conference registration information here! All presenters must be registered for the conference.
Unable to attend? If it is not possible for a lead presenter or co-presenter to participate in this session, the presenter must notify the Executive Office immediately at A cancellation after August 15 is considered a failure to meet the agreement made between NACADA and the presenter/s.
Submit your Scholarly Paper manuscript by September 26, 2025 In order for the Scholarly Paper Discussant to have ample opportunity to read the papers and prepare their remarks, all Scholarly Paper manuscripts must be uploaded to the Scholarly Paper portal no later than 11:00 pm Central Time on Friday, September 26, 2025. A link to the portal will be sent to you no later than August 1, 2025. Failure to upload the manuscript will result in removal from the conference program (“No paper/No podium Policy”).
Please review the Scholarly Paper Author Information document (which will be sent to your email address on record) for complete information.
Handouts and Pre-Recordings Scholarly Paper presenters have the option to upload handouts or the full manuscript to the conference portal for all conference participants to view (this is a separate process than the required manuscript submission as noted above). Scholarly Paper presentations should not be pre-recorded (this is different than for concurrent sessions).
Unable to attend? If it is not possible for a Scholarly Paper Discussant to participate in this session, the Discussant must notify Wendy Troxel at the Executive Office immediately at A cancellation after Tuesday, Sept. 2 does not allow for adequate time to secure a replacement Discussant.
Receipt of Scholarly Papers All Scholarly Paper manuscripts will be uploaded to the Scholarly Paper portal no later than 11:00 pm Central Time on Friday, September 26, 2025. Discussants will receive their assigned papers by email from Wendy Troxel on Monday, September 29, 2025.
Please review the Scholarly Paper Session Discussant and Moderator Information document, which will be sent to you upon selection, for complete information.
Please review the Scholarly Paper Session Discussant and Moderator Information document for complete information.