Presenter Information

Important Deadlines

Your presentation information page contains all critical information regarding your session or workshop.

Confirm your presentation session by Wednesday, May 15: Each individual listed on the presentation page must confirm yes or no. This includes lead and co-presenters. NACADA reserves the right not to include in the schedule of presentations those that are not confirmed by this date. 

Edit and make any changes by Wednesday, May 15: On your presentation page, review your title and abstract; check for clarity and spelling. Make sure the title reflects the contents of your abstract; attendees will use this abstract to plan their conference schedule. 

Upload Scholarly Paper manuscripts by Friday, September 27: If your presentation is designated as a Scholarly Paper your manuscript must be uploaded into the “Scholarly Paper Portal” no later than the given deadline. Links and specific details for Scholarly Papers will be sent directly to authors.

Upload handouts between Tuesday, October 1 through Friday, October 18: Your presentation and handouts should be uploaded directly into the NACADA app no later than the given deadline. Preconference Workshops DO NOT upload handouts.


General Presentation Information

Suggested Resources

  1. Use the Source Document as an example for organizing citations. 
  2. Use the Universal Design and PowerPoint Recommendation resources to help ensure your presentation is inclusive to all participants.
      1. To be more inclusive and accessible to everyone, we encourage presenters to self-describe at the beginning of their sessions. Giving a description of yourself for the benefit of visually impaired or blind people is a good practice.

We request that presenters review their presentations for examples of stereotyping, labeling, or generalizing negative comments and delete such references. We also request that during your presentation you assist the participants in your session to avoid using the session as a stage for making negative comments about any group. 

Locate and preview your presentation room PRIOR to your session. Most concurrent sessions will be set theatre style (rows of chairs, no tables) or classroom style (rows of tables and chairs). There will be a head table, chairs, and either a tabletop or floor podium in the front of the room. Rooms seating more than 90 people typically have a microphone on the podium.

Begin and end your presentation on time. All sessions are 60 minutes. It is important to end your session on time to provide the next presenter(s) with the opportunity to start their session on time.

Your material and comments should match the abstract you have provided. It is important that your presentation covers the information and topics you have outlined in your abstract; it can be frustrating when participants have chosen your session based on your abstract and you do not clearly cover the topics they are expecting. 

Do not read your presentation or even portions of it. Word-for-word reading should only be used in rare instances for the purpose of emphasizing a point or fact. Limit your notes for the session to key ideas or phrases that automatically bring to mind your ideas for delivery.

Questions and answer time should be incorporated into the presentation. Not having enough time has been a frequent complaint from past participants at our conferences. Presenters are encouraged to leave at least 10-15 minutes at the end of the session for questions and/or discussion of your topic or you should plan accordingly so that participants may ask questions as you present your information.

Presenter Contact Information
It may be beneficial to post your contact information at the end of your session PowerPoint or within your handouts. Participants appreciate being able to contact you after the conference for more information concerning your presentation, to ask questions they may think of later, or to ask for your assistance when they return to their campuses. This is not a requirement. 

Evaluations will be available for all preconference workshops and concurrent sessions. Evaluation links will be posted within each session and daily reminders will be sent through the app as well as email. In addition, NACADA will provide all presenters with a PowerPoint slide with instructions on how participants can submit online evaluations. It is recommended that all presenters use this slide at the end of their presentation and allow adequate time for participants to complete their session evaluation. Please encourage conference participants to complete an evaluation for your session. The evaluations are very important for our conference. In addition to providing you valuable feedback on your session, the evaluations are extremely valuable to next year’s conference planning committee. Your evaluations will be available on your presenter's webpage within a few weeks following conference. 

Uploading Presentation Materials

Presentation Handouts
Your presentation and handouts must be uploaded directly into the NACADA app between Tuesday, October 1 through Friday, October 18. More detailed information will be emailed to presenters this summer. 

What kind of supplemental material may I upload?

  • PowerPoint slides in pdf format, supporting charts, graphs and illustrative material, a detailed outline of the presentation, summary of topics discussed during the presentation, presenter’s biographical data, bibliographic sources for further reading, a list of URL’s relevant to your presentation, and if you are willing to discuss your material further with attendees, include some contact information such as email, phone number, or mailing address. 

What file formats can I use to submit handouts?

  • Only .pdf, .jpeg, and .tiff file formats will be accepted.

Presentation Recording
All concurrent presentations are highly encouraged to submit one recording that will be submitted to NACADA no later than Friday, October 4.. If there is more than one presenter, make sure to record your video together at one time or compile all presenter video files into one file before uploading. Recordings are not to exceed 30 minutes in length, no more than 1 GB maximum size, and one video file (.mp4 format) per session. 

How does the recording upload process work?

  • Access the presenter information page.
  • The code number provided to you in April and presenter’s last name/password are required for login.
  • All submissions are due by no later than Friday, October 4. Early submissions are appreciated.
  • If you are the lead presenter for your session, please coordinate the submission of all materials with your co-presenters.

What file formats can I use to submit my presentation recording?

  • Only a .mp4 file format will be accepted.

Presenter Profile Image

We highly recommend that you upload an image of yourself to be used as your presenter profile image within the conference platform. Only .jpeg and .tiff file formats will be accepted. 

Presenter’s Consent Agreement
By submitting my materials electronically, I agree to the following:

  • I guarantee that my work is original and does not infringe on any copyright or intellectual property rights of others, contains no libelous or other unlawful matter, and makes no improper invasion of the privacy of any other person. I understand that I will retain intellectual property rights to this work and will include a statement to that effect (sample language: copy; year by author at the bottom of the first page of any copyrighted materials submitted).
  • I authorize NACADA to post the submitted material to its website and conference platform.
  • I agree to NACADA's Speaker Release Form

Audio Visual Recommendations

You can check back to your presenter's page any time prior to conference to review the audio/visual you requested for your session. We will not be able to provide any additional equipment at the conference.

Streaming of live video is not allowed. Available bandwidth is not strong enough for streaming and the possibility of being disconnected is extremely high. All presenters must be present and cannot be streamed in.


Preconference Workshop Information

Preconference workshops must be highly participatory sessions. Since these workshops range from two to four hours, presenters must plan for participants to be involved and participate in the session not simply sit and be lectured to on a topic.

Participants expect to leave preconference workshops with information, material, strategies, and ideas they can take back to their campuses and use effectively. Preconference workshops should be very hands-on and issue-specific with material, activities, strategies and techniques that the participants can effectively use in their individual situations. Presenters should come prepared to answer questions concerning implementation and other issue-specific questions.

Presenters should plan varying presentation formats for preconference workshops. Due to the length of preconference workshops, presenters should plan to include some lecture as well as possible small and large group activities and a question and answer period.

Workshops should last the entire time indicated on the website. Please remember that participants have paid an additional fee to attend your workshop; it is important that you come prepared with material and information for the entire time period you have been allotted.

Rooms for preconference workshops are set classroom style (rows of long narrow tables with chairs). There will be a head table, chairs, and either a tabletop or floor podium in the front of the room.

Enrollment is initially limited. If your workshop reaches the limit, the NACADA Executive Office will contact you to see if you are willing to accept more participants. Do not ask for the enrollment number to be limited to a lesser number; we are trying to accommodate as many of our attendees as possible.

A participant list of persons signed up for your session will be made available to you prior to the conference. 

Preconference workshops DO NOT upload their presentation or handouts to NACADA's web page.

Poster Session Recommendations

A poster session at the NACADA Annual Conference is a forum for presenters from around the globe to highlight their programs and to share their successful ideas with colleagues by presenting a research study, a practical problem-solving effort, or an innovative program on their campus. Poster presentations provide other conference participants an opportunity to quickly and easily become acquainted with your topic. An effective poster presentation highlights, with a visual display, the main points or components of your topic.

Recording and Uploading your Poster Presentation
Poster presenters are required to complete and upload their poster directly into the NACADA app between October 1-18Poster presenters are also given the option to record a 5 minute presentation explaining their poster more in-depth. This recording is due no later than October 4 and can be uploaded to you presenter's page

Poster Session Schedule
The Poster Session is on Monday, October 28 and runs concurrently with the complimentary breakfast for all attendees. Presenters can begin setting up their posters the morning of the poster session. All posters should be setup and displayed by the start of the poster session at 7:50 am. If you would like to keep your poster, you may remove the poster immediately at the close of the poster session. All remaining posters will be recycled.   

Audio visual is not available during the Poster Session; if using a laptop be sure to have a fully charged battery. 

Developing and Designing Your Poster Presentation

Below are two templates that can be used to help make the design process easier for you. Each template comes standard with NACADA's three main colors, but you are more than welcome to change the colors to your preference. These templates are just to help get you started, so feel free to edit them as you wish.

Template 1 | 36 x 60 Template 2 | 36 x 72

  1. It is best to keep your poster simple. Include information such as graphics, photographs, graphs, charts, tables, etc. Be sure to include major points on the poster and keep all non-essential information for the follow-up discussion with registered attendees. Please be certain that text is large enough to be read from at least 2 feet away. Headings should be at least 30 point or larger and primary text should be at least 20 point or larger.
    1. Be certain that any graphics and/or photographs contain the necessary copyright permission(s) as some images may require you to obtain permission for use.
  2. Poster presenters will be responsible for developing and printing the poster to be presented during the poster session. This includes all design and printing expenses incurred throughout the process. If you plan to hand carry your poster, shipping tubes or carrying cases can be used to protect it. NACADA is unable to print posters for presenters.
    1. NOTE: When printing your poster, DO NOT print the NACADA poster number as that is subject to change.
  3. All posters will be attached to one side of a 4 feet tall x 8 feet wide standing bulletin board. Average poster sizes are 36 inches tall x 60 inches wide or 36 inches tall x 72 inches wide.
  4. Posters should be constructed of lightweight material that can be easily attached to the board with T-pins and easy to transport.    
  5. Below is an image similar to the poster bulletin boards that will be available for use.

Scholarly Paper Information

For all scholarly paper information, click here. 

Mailing Materials

  • Packages can only be mailed to the hotel in which you are staying. Contact the hotel directly for specific mailing instructions.
  • All packages must be pre-paid; the hotel will not accept cash on delivery packages. 
  • Packages may arrive no more than a week in advance but should arrive at least one day before needed.
  • To avoid confusion, please only use the name of the individual staying at the hotel.
  • Contact the front desk upon arrival to arrange for package pick up/delivery.
  • Please check with the hotel directly for costs on outbound parcels.

NOTE: Shipment cannot be made directly to the convention center.