NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
Copyright 2018
All Rights Reserved
Reviewed and updated December, 2018
The contents of all materials produced by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising are copyrighted unless otherwise indicated. NACADA holds the exclusive copyright for all NACADA publications, including all that appear in electronic (Web, video, CD, audio download, streaming video, etc.) and non-electronic (print) form. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S. or state government officer or employee as part of that person's official duties.
Copyright protects the expression in the work, not the facts, information, or ideas. However, since copyright protects the format, organization, sequence, and style of publications as part of the expression, paraphrasing is only appropriate for limited portions of the original and should credit the source. Close paraphrasing is akin to direct quotation thus permission must be sought from NACADA before using NACADA copyrighted materials. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. NACADA, the National Academic Advising Association, and NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising are service marks of the association.
All rights are reserved by NACADA, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of NACADA, or as indicated in the Fair Use policy statement below.
NACADA Fair Use Policy
NACADA members are encouraged to use properly cited quotations as part of scholarly research. The use or reprinting of materials for advisor in-service workshops, campus newsletters, advisor handbooks, etc. requires copyright permission from NACADA.
- Materials published “for the good of the profession”: Materials housed on the NACADA website (URL begins with that are made available at no charge to all in the profession of academic advising (e.g. the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources and Academic Advising Today).
- Member-benefit materials: Members have access to member-benefit materials when they log into the NACADA site or when they receive these materials via “snail” mail or email (e.g. the NACADA Journal).
- Materials that can be purchased from NACADA using a member discount (known as member-discount publications): Books, Pocket Guides, and specialty publications (e.g., DVDs, Webinars CDs) offered by NACADA for purchase.
- Materials copyrighted by others: The NACADA website links to more than 30,000 resources across the World Wide Web. Permission to use materials accessed via the NACADA website and housed on other sites (URL does NOT begin with must be garnered from the webmaster of the site in question. NACADA does NOT have the right to grant permission to use materials copyrighted by institutions or companies.
Fair Use Policy for NACADA-produced material
NACADA utilizes the publication industry’s fair use parameters. These parameters mean that:
current NACADA members* may use up to 1000 words or 10% of a member-benefit or member-discount publication (whichever is less) for INTERNAL campus use only.
- while the standard within the publishing industry is three minutes for materials published on CDs and DVDS, NACADA allows usage of complete webcast CDs, and up to three advising vignettes from our DVDs, for INTERNAL campus workshops without special permission.
- Materials meeting the Fair Use Standards may be uploaded by current members* to a password protected campus site or campus e-reserve (e.g. Blackboard©). NACADA materials may NOT be uploaded to the World Wide Web or published in open access handbooks or newsletters.
Current NACADA members* may use portions of NACADA produced-materials within the Fair Use Standards for conference presentations.
No NACADA materials may be used for profit or in a fee-based setting (see below).
Note: In all Fair Use cases, NACADA publication materials should be accompanied by the statement: “Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title of the publication]. Copyright [Year] by the NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising .”
NACADA requests that all who use NACADA materials inform NACADA which materials will be used and steps taken to meet the Standards of Fair Use guidelines. Send material listings, Fair Use steps, and questions to
*Membership status is based on the date that the material is used or permission is requested; it is not related to the publication date of the material.
Special permission to use large portions of publications that are currently for sale is not usually granted.
Permissions for Use in Scholarly Research
To advance the advising profession, NACADA members are encouraged to share information found in NACADA resources with individual colleagues. Therefore, current NACADA members may use information in these publications free of charge for scholarly research purposes, when cited appropriately in the end product. Short quotations and data originally published by NACADA may be used as specifically permissible under prevailing fair use law (see
The reproduction or use of chapters, articles, pages, clips, or partial pages/clips from NACADA publications is strictly forbidden for any purpose without express, written permission from NACADA. For specific information about requesting written permission from NACADA, see Requesting Permission to Use NACADA Materials (below). Information on fair use law, including the latest amendments, can be obtained through the U.S. Copyright Office at
Non-member Use of NACADA materials:
Nonmembers must request permission to use NACADA materials via email at
Requesting Permissions for Use in Fee-Based Services:
Current members* and nonmembers must secure written permission from NACADA to use or reprint NACADA copyrighted material for any use where end users are charged a fee. This includes uses in courses, Webinars, consultations, workshops etc. NACADA maintains the right to charge a fee for materials used in this manner. Request permission via email at
Request permission to use NACADA materials by contacting NACADA at:
NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Ave, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS 66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717 Fax: (785) 532-7732
Notation to be used with materials where permission has been granted: Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title]. Copyright [Year] by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.