Preconference Workshops

Sunday, February 25, 2024

You can sign up for Preconference Workshops while registering for the conference. If you have already registered for the conference and would like to add a preconference workshop, please follow these steps.

P1: Advising in Progress: Developing Your Ever-Evolving Philosophy

noon-3 p.m. | Cost: $70
Nicole Raymond | University of Florida
Shannon Kelly | University of Florida

Crafting an academic advising philosophy is a long-standing tradition in our profession. However, all too often, these philosophies can become repetitive recitations of developmental theories, overlooking the essence of advising-a unique connection between two individuals striving to set, progress towards, and achieve meaningful goals. 

In our 3-hour workshop, ' Advising in Progress: Developing Your Ever-Evolving Philosophy,' we invite you to embark on a contemporary journey to redefine the academic advising philosophy. This isn't your conventional presentation; it's an interactive exploration of personal and professional growth. We'll delve into what advising truly means to you, and together, we'll uncover strategies for evolving your personal advising philosophy to better align with your evolving identity as an advisor. Throughout this engaging session, you won't just passively absorb information; you'll actively participate in thought-provoking discussions and creative writing exercises. By the end, you'll not only gain a fresh perspective on advising but also refine your advising philosophy to authentically represent your unique approach. 

Whether you're new to crafting an advising philosophy or seeking innovative prompts to revitalize your professional development, this workshop caters to advisors at all career stages. Join us for an interactive and transformative experience that will breathe new life into your advising philosophy, enabling you to connect with students and colleagues in a more profound and impactful manner.

P2: Fostering Inclusivity and Empathy in Academic Advising: Responding to Changing Student Needs

noon-3 p.m. | Cost: $70
Locksley Knibbs | Florida Gulf Coast University
Milton Jackson | Grambling State University

This engaging pre-conference workshop delves into the critical dimensions of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belongingness (DEIB) in academic advising. Through active participation and collaborative discussions, attendees will explore how to seamlessly incorporate these vital elements into the academic advising relationship, bridging the gap between theory and practical application. The workshop will provide attendees with valuable tools and strategies tailored to racially and ethnically diverse student populations. Advisors can cultivate an environment where students feel included and develop a strong sense of belonging within the academic sphere. These efforts aim to reaffirm students' significance in the educational landscape, bolstering their confidence and success from matriculation to graduation. Participant feedback on DEIB will be integral to the workshop's objectives, ensuring that they leave equipped with a comprehensive understanding of how to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and a profound sense of belonging in their advising practice.

P3: Using LEGO Serious Play to Develop Creative and Innovative Approaches to Support Student Success

noon-3 p.m. | Cost: $70
Caroline Beach | Wichita State University

Learn about the LEGO Serious Play methodology and participate in building activities which encourage communication and problem solving. Participants will be introduced to LEGO Serious Play through skills build activities and learn how to surface all the voices in a room. A brief presentation on the application of LEGO within a student success and academic advising environment will highlight the power of LEGO bricks as a tool for networking, communication, data collection, and strategic planning. This pre-conference workshop will present participants with build questions that facilitate discussions around creative and innovative approaches to student success, student engagement, event planning, and vision building. At the end of the session, participants will have a list of ideas and events which they can take with them, for ways to support students through abstract approaches to higher education processes.

P4: From Data Anxiety to Data Triumph: Achieving Success in Academic Advising Assessment

noon-3 p.m. | Cost: $70
Angela Knoerr | University of Missouri
Lizz Warren | University of Missouri

Kristina Bradley | University of Missouri

Join us for a 3-hour Pre-Conference Workshop on Academic Advising Assessment Data Analysis, designed for academic advisors, directors, and administrators. This workshop equips participants with essential skills to effectively analyze assessment data, empowering them to make data-informed decisions and enhance academic advising programs. The workshop is divided into three parts:

Part 1 sets the stage by emphasizing the significance of data analysis, exploring different data types, and introducing fundamental analysis techniques.

Part 2 immerses participants in hands-on data analysis exercises, providing real-time feedback and guidance as they interpret data and derive meaningful insights.

Part 3 focuses on making informed decisions using data and developing effective communication strategies for various stakeholders.

Throughout the workshop, practical application of data analysis skills is emphasized, fostering confidence and readiness to use data for program enhancement. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to approach data, answer critical questions, make data-driven decisions, and communicate those decisions effectively. This workshop encourages participants to think critically about their assessment plans and provides valuable insights into NACADA resources and the NACADA Assessment Institute, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement in academic advising. Join us for a hands-on learning experience that will enhance your ability to harness data for the benefit of your advising program and institution.