Current Issue

The NACADA REVIEW: Academic Advising Praxis and Perspectives is a peer-reviewed, online academic journal which connects the practice of academic advising to theory from related, relevant fields spanning education, the humanities and social sciences. 

The NACADA Review puts theory-based application center stage. The Review’s editors subscribe to the interpretation of scholarship as suggested by Ernest Boyer (1990) in which the creation and integration of new knowledge go hand in hand with a commitment to its application and dissemination. This dynamic relationship between theory and practice is known as PRAXIS. 

Articles published in the NACADA Review contribute to praxis by presenting how practice can be understood in terms of theory, and how theory can inform practice. For example,

  • begin with advising practice (describing and modeling local practice), connect practice to identified theory or model, and address how shared ideas can be applied to contexts beyond local practice
  • identify and explain a theory or model, discuss how the theory or model applies to advising, and address how shared ideas can be applied to diverse advising contexts
  • explore the process, conditions, and relevance of praxis as it relates to advising as a scholarly profession that spans institutions, the advising profession, or higher education in general

Because many perspectives on teaching, learning, and personal development meet in the praxis of advising, theories and frameworks may originate from a range of disciplines spanning education, the humanities, and the social sciences. Furthermore, the NACADA Review 1) supports and enhances the collaborative dialogue between global practitioners in the fields of academic advising, student guidance, and personal tutoring, and 2) provides a podium for articles that address the transferability of theories and approaches from one institutional, national, or socio-cultural context to another.

Reference: Boyer, E. L. (1990), Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching