Region 5 Mentoring Program

What is it?

The Region 5 Mentoring Program is designed for new and experienced advising professionals where a learning opportunity is formally set up with another professional in the region. It is designed for anyone who is looking to network, gain professional development, develop an advising philosophy, learn about research or publishing strategies, or build advisor skills. 

Selected participants will be paired based on sent application information and introduced to each other a few weeks prior to the program. Then everyone will meet all participants in the program at a scheduled virtual Mentoring Program Workshop.  

During the workshop, participants will review the benefits of taking part in the mentoring program and create expectations for one another. Participants will develop an action plan that they will use throughout the year to guide their experience. 


Application Deadline: Monday, March 10, 2025

General Requirements to Participate
  • Membership Status: Must be a NACADA Member at the time of the application and throughout the year of the program.
  • There are no restrictions to the number of years an individual has in advising/higher education to take part in the mentoring program. This is a change from years past.
  • New this year! You can select to be in a collaboration learning experience with another advising professional. This would be a professional development experience where both individuals collaborate to learn, develop and practice advisor skills, strategies, philosophies, or research.
  • A Mentoring Workshop kicks off the program and it is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, 2025. It will be virtual, and attendance is needed for participation in the program.
  • The program commitment is one year from the start date

The Region 5 Conference is April 22-24 in Chicago, Illinois.

At the 2025 Region 5 Conference, the Region 5 Mentoring Program is hosting a reception for those selected for the program. This reception will be held during the conference reception: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Following the reception, participants are invited to extend our social get-together with a group dinner (location TBD). You won't want to miss this fun reception, but know that it is optional. 

Mentor/ Mentee Highlights


Mentee Beth Tremelling | Academic Advisor/Coach, University of Wisconsin - Platteville 

Mentor Jaime Langdon | Academic Advisor, Univeristy of Michigan - Ann Arbor 

Why Jaime mentors: I wanted to become a mentor because I love advising and I love the students I work with. I've been advising for 12 years and while it's a challenge everyday with new situations to resolve on behalf of students, it is so rewarding. Mentoring isn't about just giving information to a mentee, it's about give and take with each other. I hope to be able to share my years of experience with someone who wants to really dig into this field and make a difference for their students, but I also know I will gain so much from this experience as well that will change my perspectives on advising and people overall.

Why Beth wanted to be a mentee: I am interested in learning many ways of advising so that I can knowledgeably adapt my own method of advising to suit me and my students. I would also like the opportunity to network and meet advisors outside of my own institution.

Mentor/ Mentee Highlights


Mentee Alyssa Finder | Academic Advisor, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Mentor Jamie Heck | Director of Academic Affairs, University of Cinncinatti 

Why Jamie mentors: During my involvement in NACADA, I have developed some wonderful relationships with fellow colleagues. These relationships and experiences motivated me to serve as a mentor. I feel that this involvement in the NACADA Region 5 Mentoring Program will be both rewarding and fulfilling for my paired mentee and myself as we continue to learn and grow together.

Why Alyssa wanted to be a mentee: My hope is the advisors who are mentors will assist me in acquiring the skills necessary to continue to hone my craft of advising. The camaraderie that will come from working closely with other academic professionals will bewelcomed as well.