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NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising continues to make powerful connections globally on behalf of the field of academic advising. Through outreach to our colleagues all over the world, academic advising professionals across the globe are able to build global networks to support the work that continues to advance the field of advising and strengthen student success. NACADA continues to show how academic advising is the direct link between the academic affairs and student affairs components of a campus that can build a culture of student retention and success.
As we reach out globally, we are fully aware that we cannot host conferences in every location. Therefore, we are beginning to host conferences in a variety of regional locations.
We are excited to host the 2014 NACADA Middle East Conference with Qatar University, November 19-20 in Doha, Qatar. This will be an opportunity for professionals in the Middle East to join together and to collaborate on key issues in academic advising. The conference will bring together professionals who are currently employed in higher education in the Middle East, who have been employed in the Middle East or those who work specifically with Middle East students.
I look forward to meeting you in Doha!
Charlie Nutt
Executive Director