NACADA Student Web Page

Welcome to the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) student web pages!  Students are a vital part of the growth and development of the profession of academic advising as well as to the NACADA community.

Through these pages, students can discover more about the National Academic Advising Association:

  • Learn about the organization from a student and professional perspective
  • Identify the benefits of membership to NACADA
  • Become aware of the resources, information, events and opportunities available from NACADA.
  • Develop a network to get to know other students and academic advising professionals

Explore these pages to find your connections and interests with academic advising and the National Academic Advising Association.  With questions or for more information about the NACADA, please contact Bev Martin .

Dave Marchesani
Associate Director, Academic Advising
University of Northern Iowa

NACADA Membership Committee Chair

Kimberly Hanneman
Grad Assistant, Academic Advising
University of Northern Iowa

Graduate Student-NACADA
Membership Committee

Charlie Nutt, Ed.D.
Executive Director

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I became a member of NACADA when I received my graduate assistantship as an Advisor in our Student Advisement Center. Since then, NACADA has assisted with my education, personal development, and future career in a couple of ways.

First, I have made a couple of contacts and networked with members of NACADA. I have not attended a NACADA conference but have networked with members at other higher education conferences.

I’ve also used NACADA to purchase some research materials, such as “Advising Student Athletes: A Collaborative Approach to Success,” which I have used for courses and projects in my graduate program. Additionally, I use some of the advising methods and techniques mentioned in these articles with students I advise.

The past summer I was able to partake in the NCAA/NACADA Academic Success and the Student-Athlete Online Course. The course actually helped me secure an internship as an Advisor in our Athletic Department and become more familiar with student-athlete development, NCAA compliance and rules, and how to improve my academic sessions with student-athletes. Partially because of this, I am now pursuing a career in Athletic Advising.  Overall, NACADA has been a huge benefit to my graduate education, my personal development, and my future career!

Michael Anderson
Canisius College, Buffalo, NY

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As one of the 2010 recipients of the NACADA Region 2 Graduate Student Grants, I was honored to be able to present collaborative research at my first NACADA Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. The experience was a unique opportunity to expand my role as a scholar-practitioner and allowed me to see how membership in NACADA can contribute to the advancement of my own personal and professional aspirations in the field of academic advising.

Rashidah N. Andrews, Ed.M.
Principal Advisor, Academic Advising Center
College of Liberal Arts
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA


Becoming a member of NACADA has provided me with a variety of unique and beneficial opportunities. As the current Graduate Student on the NACADA Membership Committee, I have had the opportunity to interact with individuals from different regions and work with other committee members on creating and building the new NACADA Graduate Student web page. Overall, being involved in NACADA and serving on the committee has allowed me to expand my knowledge and become a more well-rounded and proficient graduate student and professional.

Kimberly Hanneman
Graduate Assistant-Office of Academic Advising
University of Northern Iowa

Graduate Student-NACADA Membership Committee


A family friend recommended NACADA to me, as she works at the collegiate level.  She told me how great of an organization it was, and she could not have been more right! I attended my first NACADA National Conference in Orlando this past October, and it was an amazing experience.  I met so many friendly, interesting, and knowledgeable people.  The seminars were awesome, and I took home so much information that I know will benefit me in my future career as an advisor.

Amanda Kennedy
Graduate Coordinator of Aquatics
Rowan University Recreation Center
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ


When I found out that the NACADA Region IV-W conference was going to be held in Lincoln, NE, I was excited to attend with my colleagues. I learned about the conference scholarship, applied, and was awarded one of the two scholarships for the 2010 conference.

Attending the conference opened a lot of great networking connections for me as well as learning opportunities. I also have taken much advantage of the listserv opportunities through NACADA and have found the other professionals in the field to be very helpful in providing excellent resources to explore as I work with students myself.  
During the course of the 2010 Summer, my role within the learning community expanded to academic advisor for all of our undeclared students, which meant I needed to become more familiar with academic advising practices. As I have continued to utilize the website, listserves, and the Clearinghouse, I had found that NACADA has provided me a professional organization that allows me to not only enhance my own career but also to be a resource to others. NACADA has opened doors for me to information I would not have received otherwise. I have also now submitted my first presentation proposal and I am anxiously awaiting to hear whether I have been accepted to present in Canada this May.  

Tony Lazarowicz, M.A.
Assistant Academic Program Coordinator-William H. Thompson Learning Community
Ph.D. Student in Higher Education Administration