Well-Being & Advisor Retention Advising Community

The Well-Being & Advisor Retention Advising Community community exists to encourage advisors to address wellbeing and self-care with their students, while also encouraging the same for advisors. This community thus hopes to decrease burnout amongst advisors and increase retention in the field. This community views wellbeing as a holistic and human need for students and advisors alike, and views self-care as ensuring student and advisor needs are met. This community hopes to encourage discussion among advisors about integrating wellbeing and self-care into advising appointments with students, while also encouraging institutions to consider the needs of their advising staff, and advisors to consider their own self-care. This community will do this by conducting research of both advisors and students, and considering and creating innovative approaches for both students and advisors. 

  • Olivia Miller
    Olivia Miller Chair 2022-2024 Kansas State University Region 7