John D. Mikelson, Advising Military Students & Dependents Interest Group Member
Today record numbers of military service veterans are enrolling in colleges and universities as they return from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Across the U.S., Spring 2010 veteran enrollment was up from Fall 2009; 2010-11 enrollments will likely be higher. As veterans transition from a military to collegiate setting, both veterans and the campus communities must adjust to the change and the differing value systems held within the military and academic communities.
Advisors should recognize that veterans turned students are culturally different from their peers. A campus Veterans Center is a refuge for the veteran student to study or relax with people with similar experiences and backgrounds. Veteran students speak a common language not understood by the majority of their classmates. They hold different social norms and mores based upon their military training and life style.
A Veterans Center provides a welcoming and permanent setting where veterans can be nurtured and grow as they acclimate to a campus. Centers have become a focal point for cultural enrichment, academic development, and personal growth. A campus Veterans Center provides an atmosphere that allows students, faculty, and staff to interact within the academic community and helps veterans establish cultural ties and exchange knowledge.
The major purpose of a Veterans Center is to meet the needs of the veteran student through a variety of programs and services, including a wide array of diverse cultural, academic, and personal support services that facilitate their growth, success, and adjustment within the academy. Programs and services at the Centers may include:
A campus Veterans Support Team, which includes academic advisors, should be established on each campus. Possible goals for the Veterans Support Team include:
Across the United States, several initiatives are currently under discussion within the student veteran community. Below is a list of resources I believe will be valuable to my colleagues who advise student veterans.
Some of the featured presentations from February’s Council of Colleges and Military Educators (CCME) 2010 Symposium can be found at Over 1,000 participants gathered at the CCME Symposium to discuss various military education issues including the Post 9/11 GI Bill, distance learning, recruiting, Web-based libraries, evaluating nontraditional credits, and quality educational opportunities for service members and their families.
From Soldier to Student records best practices that have led to veterans’ success, including creation of veterans’ offices, streamlining the admissions and registration processes, expanding counseling center capacity, establishing mentor programs, and training faculty and staff.
Additional Resources
Advisors who work with military students can learn more about the complexities and successes of this student group by joining NACADA's Advising Military Students and Dependents Interest Group and its listserv, where supportive ideas are exchanged to better serve this population.
I look forward to discussing veterans’ affairs information with my colleagues at the NACADA Annual Conference in Orlando!
John D. Mikelson University of Iowa Veterans Center [email protected]
Cite this article using APA style as: Mikelson, J. (2010, September). Information for advisors who work with veterans. Academic Advising Today, 33(3). Retrieved from [insert url here]