NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, Inc.

NACADA Administrative Policies

Policy Number: AD-01
Policy Name:  Advisory Boards
Purpose: To specify the general role and parameters of Advisory Boards

Advisory Board exist and serve to guide the direction of events, programs, and resources for the association.

Advisory Boards are part of the Administrative Division and report to and are represented on the NACADA Council by the Administrative Division representatives. 

Each Advisory Board has at least one assigned liaison from the Executive Office.

Advisory Board chairs are appointed by the President-Elect and serve a two-year term of office. Advisory Board members are typically appointed to two-year terms and are appointed by the President in consultation with the Advisory Board Chair. The Association President has the option of extending a chair or member of an Advisory Board to an additional term. 

Individual Advisory Board charges and roles are defined and updated by the Board of Directors and Council in concert with the executive office, the work of the Advisory Board, and the needs of the association. The Advisory Board charge and role should be articulated and visible on the Advisory Board’s website.

Approved as Revised. Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number:  AD-02
Policy Name: Steering Committees
Purpose: To specify role of Steering Committees

Steering Committees primarily function within Regions and Advising Communities to broaden the leadership and advance the work of those units. 

Steering Committees are appointed and/or elected within those units by the Chair of the unit.  

Steering Committee members must be current members of NACADA as required by the Advising Communities Division.

Representation on Steering Committees is determined by each unit individually.

Steering Committee specific functions vary by unit and are determined by the units.

Approved as Revised. Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number: AD-03
Policy Name: Content Review Boards
Purpose: To specify role of Content Review Boards

Content Review Boards report to the Executive Office.

Content Review Boards are established to review and provide feedback on content of specific publications or activities not having Advisory Boards.

Members of Content Review Boards are appointed by the Executive Office staff in consultation with the Editor/Author of the work. Content Review Board membership should contain a variety of perspectives reflective of the diversity within the association and the advising profession. Content Review Boards report to the Executive Office staff responsible for coordinating the work of that Review Board. The term of office for Review Boards is until the resource is completed or published.

Approved as Revised. Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number: AD-04
Policy Name:  Administrative Committees
Purpose: To specify the general role and parameters of Administrative Committees

Administrative committees exist and serve to support operations and administrative services of the association.

Administrative Committees are part of the Administrative Division and report to and are represented on the NACADA Council by the Administrative Division representatives. 

Each Administrative Committee has at least one assigned liaison from the Executive Office.

Administrative Committees have an elected chair who serves a two-year term, unless otherwise noted in the committee guidelines or due to special circumstances.  

Individual committee charges and roles are defined and updated by the Board of Directors and Council in concert with the work of the committee, the executive office, and the needs of the association. The committee charge and role should be articulated and visible on the committee’s website.  

Committee size and membership should meet the unique needs of the individual committee and, as much as possible, reflect the dimensions of diversity of the membership. The pathway to committee membership should be outlined on the committee’s website.

New policy approved and adopted: 9/12/19

NACADA Financial Policies

Policy Number:  F-01
Policy Name:  Budget
Purpose: To Outline the Annual Budget Process

The Executive Office prepares a proposed budget for the following Fiscal Year and presents it to the Finance Committee prior to the annual conference each year. 

The Finance Committee reviews the proposed budget, seeks clarification and comparisons as needed from the Executive Office, and forwards its recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.

Executive Director has the authority to disburse funds for expenditures in the approved budget.

Expenditures beyond those in the approved budget require a supplemental budget request and allocation.

Supplemental Budget Requests must be submitted to the Finance Committee in a timely manner with its recommendation then passing to the Board of Directors for final spending approval.

Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number: F-02
Policy Name:  Financial Audits 
Purpose:  To assure financial status through external audits

The Association shall engage in an external financial audit annually.

The Executive Director shall distribute the results of the audit to the Finance Committee Chair, the President, and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may request a meeting with the auditor to discuss the audit.

The Executive Director shall address any issues raised by the audit and take immediate action to make needed corrections.

Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number:  F-03
Policy Name: Gifts of Property/Assets to the Association
Purpose:  To provide guidance regarding whether or not gifts of property/assets to the Association should be accepted based on value and future worth or liability to the Association.

The acceptance of gifts of property or other assets must be first approved by the Board of Directors. All gifts of real property or other assets will be liquidated at fair market value and invested according to NACADA policies.

Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number: F-04
Policy Name:  Honorarium Payments
Purpose:  To provide guidance on honorarium payments to members and others for services provided to the association.

Honoraria will be provided based upon guidelines established within the budget of each association activity. Members shall not receive honoraria for performing the work of the association, but rather for services provided in the delivery of specific educational activities (eg. Institutes, Seminars, Webinars, etc.)

A W-9 is required annually before honorarium payment is made. For security purposes, W-9’s can only be accepted if sent to the Executive Office via fax (785-532-7732) or U.S. mail attention Accounting. 

Members of Institute Management Teams selected to serve as faculty may not receive an honorarium for that service since they participate in their selection creating a conflict of interest. They may be reimbursed for expenses according to the Association’s reimbursement policy.

Editors and authors for books and guides published by NACADA do not receive honoraria, but editors and authors for books and guides published in conjunction with an external publisher may receive honoraria for services based on potential income as negotiated by the Executive Director.

Date adopted/last amended: Approved as Revised 9/12/19

Policy Number: F-05
Policy Name: Travel Reimbursement Policy for Official Association Business
Purpose: To outline policy guiding official travel reimbursement

NACADA will reimburse members traveling to conduct official Association business with prior authorization from the Executive Office (EO) within current guidelines.  Itemized receipts required for all expenses claimed.

NACADA shall not reimburse travel expenses related to getting to and from meetings in conjunction with the annual conference.

Association representatives (e.g. selected EO staff and/or Board Members) assigned to represent the Association at regional conferences shall receive complimentary registration.  Expenses will be paid from the Association’s general fund in accordance with the limitations above and the current guidelines. 


  1. Airfare:
    1. Every effort should be made to secure the most economical carrier/route available (at least 30 days in advance).
  2. Mileage:
    1. At current rate as designated by Kansas State University.
    2. If mileage is in place of airfare it will be reimbursed up to the lowest airfare available 30 days in advance with supporting documentation.
  3. Travel/Parking/Car Rental from airport to reimbursable activity:
    1. Airport transportation and parking are reimbursed at the lowest rate available, if expense is required in conjunction with official travel.
    2. Rental car usage must have prior approval by the EO in order to qualify for reimbursement.
  4. Per Diem:
    1. Meals and beverages for meeting days are reimbursed with receipts at current prevailing rates and in accordance with current guidelines.
  5. Lodging:
    1. Reimbursed at one-half the official NACADA room rate in accordance with current guidelines.
      • Paid in full, if room is shared with another eligible leader.

Special arranges may be available to negotiated hotel contract at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number:  F-06
Policy Name:  Alcohol Reimbursement 
Purpose:  To establish guidelines for the reimbursement to NACADA members for alcoholic beverages consumed as part of approved per diem expenses.

NACADA will reimburse a NACADA member for an alcoholic beverages with their meal, as long as the overall food and beverage cost does not exceed the established per diem limit.  

The NACADA Executive Office is authorized to enforce the per diem food/beverage limit for individual and group meals, regardless of whether this includes alcohol.

Date adopted/last amended: 9/12/19

Policy Number:  F-07
Policy Name:  International Honorarium Payments
Purpose:  To provide guidance on honorarium payments to international members and others who are not U.S. citizens or resident aliens* for personal services provided to the association within the U.S.

Honoraria Eligibility: As per Policy Number F-04

Payment Information: NACADA is obligated to comply with the IRS federal withholding requirement of 30% on all payments it makes for honoraria earned or personal services performed anywhere within the U.S. Tax treaties exist with many countries for full or partial exemption.  

Any nonresident alien* wishing to claim full or partial withholding exemption (if eligible), must complete in full IRS Form 8233, Exemption from Withholding on Compensation for Independent (and Certain Dependent) Personal Services of a Nonresident Alien Individual and provide it to the Executive Office prior to receiving payment. This form requires an individual to have a valid ITIN (international tax identification number).  

Resources: Concerned parties may contact the comptroller at the Executive Office for general guidelines but may wish to consult their  local institution or tax expert regarding their country’s specific exemption process and/or visit

*Nonresident alien:  A nonresident alien is an individual who is not a U.S. citizen and has not met the “green card” test or “substantial presence” test.  

Resident alien:  A foreign national who has met either the “green card” or “substantial presence” test and generally treated like a U.S. citizen for tax purposes.  

New Policy Adopted and Approved 4/07/19

NACADA Goverance Policies

Policy Number: G-01
Policy Name:  Leadership Ethics
Purpose: To maintain ethical standards for leaders in the conduct of Association business.

The Association maintains Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct statements for both the Board of Directors and the Council to guide the conduct of persons in those roles.

Board of Directors and Council members will annually sign the Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct statements that guide their conduct as leaders in the Association. 

Policy Revision Approved: 10/19/19

Policy Number:  G-02
Policy name: Board of Directors and Council members expectations
Policy purpose: To detail the primary role and responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors and the Council.

As stated in the NACADA by-laws, the Board of Directors determines the strategic direction of the association and ensures that all of its units, in the shared governance structure, are striving toward and achieving those identified strategic goals. The role of the Council is to address the general administrative tasks of the organization, and to facilitate the implementation of the strategic goals through the oversight and direction of the Administrative, Advising Communities, and Regional Division.

Together, each from their own and complementary roles, Board and Council represent the highest level of governance within the association. To acknowledge and safeguard that role and the responsibilities that come with it, it is expected that members of the Board of Directors and of the Council:

  • be loyal to the Association;
  • sign the NACADA Conflict of Interest Statement and the NACADA Code of Conduct Statement annually and abide by their terms;
  • hold all Board and Council discussions and information as confidential until formally released as public information.

Furthermore, it is expected that:

  • members of the Board of directors participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors;
  • members of the Council participate in all meetings of the Council.

Policies G-03 and G -x stipulate the specific expectations for meeting attendance for both bodies.

Policy revision approved: 10/19/19

Policy Number:  G-03
Policy Name:  Board of Directors Meeting Attendance
Purpose:  To clarify expectations for Board of Directors meeting attendance.

Members of the Board of Directors:

  1. are expected to participate in all Board of Directors meetings.
  2. are expected to be present for the entire meeting.
  3. are expected to notify the President and Executive Director in advance if unable to participate in all or part of the meeting.
  4. are expected to review all materials distributed in advance and to be prepared to discuss or take action when the meeting convenes.

Expenses for attendance at official in-person Board of Directors meetings will be reimbursed as per NACADA Reimbursement Guidelines

To acquaint themselves with current issues, Board of Directors-Elect may be present but not vote in meetings held between their election and taking office. 

Board of Directors members terms end at the conclusion of the Annual Conference with the new Board seated at the meeting immediately following the conference.

Board meetings, except when in executive session, are open to the membership. 

Policy Revision Approved: 10/19/19

Policy Number:  G-04
Policy Name:  Compensation to Members of the Board of Directors and Council
Purpose:  To detail compensation available to Board of Directors and Council Members.  

Members of the elected NACADA leadership serve without compensation.

Board and Council members may receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in conjunction with NACADA business in line with Association policy for leader reimbursements.

Elected and appointed members of NACADA leadership may receive compensation for service beyond Board responsibilities in accordance with honorarium/gift policies for such activities (e.g. faculty on various institutes, authors of publications, consultations, etc.).

Policy revision approved on 10/19/19

Policy Number:  G-05 
Policy Name:  Council Meeting Attendance
Purpose:  To clarify expectations for Council meeting attendance.

Members of the Council:

  1. are expected to participate in all Council meetings.
  2. are expected to be present for the entire meeting.
  3. are expected to notify the Vice President and Executive Director in advance if unable to participate in all or part of the meeting.
  4. are expected to review all materials distributed in advance and to be prepared to discuss or take action when the meeting convenes.

Expenses for attendance at official in-person Council meetings will be reimbursed as per NACADA Expense Reimbursement Guidelines.

To acquaint themselves with current issues, Council Members-Elect may be present but not vote in meetings held between their election and taking office. 

Council members terms end at the conclusion of the Annual Conference with the new Council seated at the meeting immediately following the conference.

Council meetings, except when in executive session, are open to the membership.

Council members will frequently be invited to attend in-person Board Meetings. In these instances, attendance is strongly encouraged but not required.

New Policy Adopted and Approved: 10/19/19

Policy Number: G-06
Policy Name: Executive Director and Executive Office Responsibilities
Purpose: To outline expectations for the Executive Director and Executive Office operations.

As a membership-based organization, NACADA relies on an Executive Director and Executive Office for implementation of Association activities and initiatives in order to lessen the burden on the volunteer leaders and members of the Association. This includes, but is not limited to, coordination of publications and events, marketing of all activities and the Association in general, conference/institute/seminar planning and execution, technology services, financial management, and internal and external partnerships.

The Memorandum of Understanding between NACADA and Kansas State University (KSU) serves as a contract for the operation of the NACADA Executive Office. The accomplishment of that work is the purview of the Executive Director.

In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, Kansas State University employs the Executive Director. The Dean of the KSU College of Education or that individual’s designee hires, supervises, and evaluates the Executive Director in accordance with KSU personnel regulations that include but are not limited to salary determination, initial employment, evaluation, and termination. In the event of an Executive Director transition, all efforts will be made to ensure an overlap in service between outgoing and incoming Executive Directors to provide for continuity, stability, and adequate training.

The Executive Director in turn employs Executive Office staff as required for optimal operation and service to members. NACADA Executive Office staff members, like the Executive Director, are Kansas State University employees contracted to provide the work prescribed under the contract. 

The Executive Director serves ex-officio and non-voting on the NACADA Board of Directors and the NACADA Council; attends all meetings of the Board, and records or causes to be recorded all votes taken and the minutes of all proceedings; and has the general duties and responsibilities of the secretary and treasurer of the Board of Directors.

New Policy Adopted and Approved: 4/9/20

NACADA Operations Policies

Policy Number: OP-01
Policy Name:  Commercial Promotion
Purpose:  To set guidelines for what may or may not be done  regarding commercial or self promotion within presentations at NACADA sponsored events.

Definition of terms:

Commercial Promotion: The promotion of any entity for hire or sale by verbal, written, or other reference in any manner (names, logos, description, etc.) 

Entity: Person, product, service

NACADA sponsored event: Conferences, Institutes, Seminars, Webinars, Presentations, Fairs, or any NACADA sponsored programming. Policy does not pertain to private, spontaneous conversations that occur at a NACADA sponsored event.

  1. Commercial entities may be referenced at NACADA sponsored events as long as such entity is mentioned in the context of an approved presentation and is not promoted for personal financial gain, or has received prior approval from the Executive Office.
  2. Commercial promotions that occur outside of the purview of the above will be addressed by the Executive Office, which may consult with the appropriate Advisory Board and or the Board of Directors, as deemed necessary. 
  3. It is the responsibility of the Executive Office to make presenters at all NACADA sponsored events aware of this policy.
  4. It is the responsibility of The Executive Office to advise the conference program committee of this policy and the following requirements at NACADA sponsored events:
  • The inclusion of commercial promotion of products and services guidelines in all Calls for Presentations.
  • The lead presenter on a proposal must be a NACADA member.  
  • Proposals, regardless of type of presentation, that directly promote a commercial product or service are prohibited.  

5. Proposals that include non-NACADA members or Affiliate Members should be reviewed separately by the conference committee.  
6.  Individuals concerned with violating this policy should contact the Executive Office for clarification.

Policy Revision Approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number: OP-02
Policy Name:  Membership Types and Dues
Purpose:  To identify the various membership types and the dues structure applicable to each.

All Individual Memberships fall under the General or Associate Member categories (i.e., allied, retiree, student) as stated in the by-laws.

Allied and Institutional membership representatives must maintain an individual membership to be eligible for awards.

Institutional memberships only extend member benefits to the named Official Representatives.  Official representatives may not be changed in the course of the membership year unless they leave the institution.

Allied member associations are simply member organizations and NOT affiliated with the Association. NACADA has no legal relationship beyond membership with these associations.

Membership dues are set by the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Finance Committee.

Plans for revisiting revision after bylaws are updated approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number: OP-03
Policy Name:  Elections
Purpose:  Guidelines for the timing and process for the leadership elections

Voting for elected leadership positions occurs in January or February each year and is conducted on-line.  The voting URL is sent to all members and periodic reminders are sent out by the Executive Office until the voting deadline.  

All voting is confidential. A computer program regulates the voting to assure that each member only votes once for each position.

Votes are tabulated, verified, and reported by the Executive Office within ten business days upon the conclusion of the election. 

All candidates are notified of the results of the elections before a general announcement is made to the membership.

Policy Revision Approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number: OP-04
Policy Name:  Use of NACADA Name and Logo
Purpose:  To specify the legal use of NACADA’s name and logo

In accordance with U.S. copyright laws and as the official emblem and legally protected service mark of the Association, the NACADA name and logo may not be used beyond the official business of the Association without the expressed permission of the Executive Director. Members may use the logo for NACADA presentations and handouts.

Use of the logo should adhere to all brand guidelines and U.S. copyright law. The Executive Director is responsible for oversight of the use of the logo. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to seek guidance from the Board of Directors when use of the logo is questionable.

The use of the NACADA logo may not be placed on commercial items without the permission of the Executive Director.

Policy Revision approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-05
Policy Name:  Association Agreements
Purpose:  To identify who has authority to execute formal agreements/contracts on behalf of the Association.

The Executive Director has the authority to negotiate, sign, and enforce agreements and contracts on behalf of the Association. 

The Executive Director may delegate authority to other staff members when required within the routine conduct of their work.

No member, including members of the Board of Directors, shall independently initiate agreements with outside individuals or entities on behalf of the Association.

Members of the Board of Directors, at the request of the President, may make contact with individuals or entities on behalf of the Association, but may not obligate the Association.

Policy Revision approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-06
Policy Name:  Financial Risk Management
Purpose:  To provide objectives and a framework for risk management.

The insurance needs of the Association shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Director. 

Adequate insurance shall be maintained to:

  • Protect the Association.
  • Protect the Board and staff from exposure leading to claims of liability.
  • Protect intellectual property, information, and files from loss or significant damage.

The Executive Director is authorized to:

  • Receive, process, or disburse funds under financial controls that meet the auditor’s standards. 
  • Invest or hold operating capital in secure instruments.

The Executive Office shall:

  • Have an emergency response and recovery plan for the Association’s Executive Office holdings and operations.
  • Have an emergency response plan for all off-site activities.
  • Determine when the purchase of cancellation insurance is warranted in regard to scheduled events.

Policy revision approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-07
Policy Name:  Lobbying and Political Activity
Purpose:  To provide guidance regarding extensive lobbying and/or political activity.

NACADA is registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. As a result of this legal taxation status, no person or group of persons is permitted to represent NACADA in extensive lobbying and/or political activity.

NACADA may not make any political contributions or endorsements.

Members may not make coordinated comments to political representatives on behalf of NACADA.

Publicly elected officials may speak at NACADA events on general issues but may not use this forum to campaign for office.

Policy Revision Approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-08
Policy Name:  Annual Conference Site Selection 
Purpose:  To provide general guidance in site selection for the Annual Conference.

The NACADA Executive Office will solicit bids and evaluate potential sites for the Annual Conferences in sufficient time to ensure maximum flexibility and fiscal responsibility for the Association.  

The Executive Office is responsible for finalizing the details including, but not limited to, availability of dates, conference facilities, financial arrangements, as well as logistical arrangements and support.

Policy Revision Approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-09
Policy Name:  Member Information
Purpose: Guidelines for release of member information.

1. Member information is secured consistent with prevailing information security requirements such as those covered by PCI, GDPR, generally accepted accounting principles, and insurance principles.

2. Only typical “directory” information may be released, such as name, address, Advising Community membership. All other information such as email addresses may not be made public except as permitted for purposes such as research which are considered on a case-by-case basis.

3. NACADA occasionally releases its member list to other education-related entities, considered on a case-by-case basis by the NACADA Marketing Manager based on potential benefits to members. Member lists, consisting of names and street addresses, are only rented to entities with products that may be of direct interest to academic advising professionals. Members may request in writing to be excluded from such external mailing lists.

4. NACADA provides all members an option to not receive any Association correspondence by email. This will result in the member not receiving official Association correspondence including NACADA’s electronic publications and voting information.

5. The Association maintains a variety of listservs for global discussions of academic advising issues. NACADA will not subscribe individual members to Association listservs. Listserv subscribers are encouraged to use these lists for professional discussion and to ask informal questions. NACADA list serves cannot be used for commercial or advertising purposes of any type of non-NACADA event, publication, or service. Listserv members who send messages for commercial purposes will be immediately removed from all lists. NACADA lists are not to be used to post job announcements. Instead, position announcements may be emailed to [email protected] for posting on the NACADA Position Announcements webpage.

New Policy Adopted and Approved: 4/9/20

Policy Number:  OP-10
Policy Name: External and Media Communications
Purpose: To provide guidance regarding authorization and consistency of Association messaging. 

Official statements representing the Association shall only be made by the Executive Director or designate, or the Executive Director and current President. All releases to the media or writings for publication representing the Association must be approved by the Executive Director or designate prior to dissemination. Routine announcements via news releases may be made by the Executive Office.

Media inquiries may be referred by the Executive Director or designate to NACADA leaders or members with known expertise in the issue being discussed; however, their comments must be made as individuals rather than as representatives of the Association.

During a time of crisis, the Executive Director and the NACADA President will confer, then issue a joint statement on behalf of the Association. No NACADA leader may speak on behalf of the Association in time of crisis without authorization from the Executive Director.

All statements to the media must be in consideration of privacy rights of members.

New policy Adopted and Approved: 4/9/20


NACADA promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational development of students. NACADA provides a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic advising through numerous activities and publications. NACADA also serves as an advocate for effective academic advising by providing a Consulting and Speaker Service and funding for Research related to academic advising.

Executive Office

Kansas State University

1114 Mid Campus Dr N
Bluemont Hall 013
Manhattan, KS 66506