Advising Business Majors Community

This community seeks to identify and address the issues pertaining to business majors. We serve as a network for discussion, sharing of knowledge/resources, and best practices for advising business majors. Individual and collaborative presentations and publications at the national, regional, and local levels are encouraged.

  • Chaya Sandler Chair


  • Connect Business Community members through monthly conversations pertaining to best practices, the mentorship program, and networking opportunities.
  • Increase visibility of business related topics by encouraging members to present at regional and national conferences and submit articles for publication.
Business Community Survey
  • Survey Results
  • If you would like to contribute to the survey data, please confirm that an individual from your institution has not already submitted a response, if not use the google form located HERE.
Two things you need to know about working effectively with business majors:
  • Admission processes for business programs vary across institutions. For programs with a secondary admission process, it is critical that advisors work with students early in their collegiate careers to create a parallel plan for situations where admission is not granted.
  • Internships and cooperative programs are instrumental in preparing business students for employment.  It is important that business advisors encourage students to develop relationships with the Career Services office on their campus as the field of business is competitive and ever-changing.

How To Get Involved

Mentorship Program
The Business Majors Mentorship program connects mentors and mentees for one-on-one professional development opportunities. Participants connect once a month to discuss challenges and opportunities as they work toward individual goals. This program encourages advancement and leadership within the field of academic advising. Please contact Alana Greene or Sue Mote for additional information.

Writing & Research, and Conference Presentations
To get involved in Writing & Research as it pertains to the Business Community, please contact Ryan Baldassario or Maira Meki

Business Majors Advising Community Regional Liaisons-Now Recruiting!
Please contact Ryan Baldassario or Maira Meki if you interested in serving as a liaison for your region

Contact Us
For information how to best discuss/share ideas that relate to the Business Majors Advising Community, please contact the current Chair.