Teach Us How to Lead & Advise You: Learning From the Students We Lead

three people dressed in shades of pink

February 13, 2025 - 1:00 PM CT

Advisors primarily serve Generation Z on our college campuses today; therefore, it is essential that you have healthy intergenerational dialogue. The world is rapidly changing; therefore, advisors should always be open to a diversified advising approach. That is made possible through a posture of learning about Generation Z’s perspectives of life, education, and other pertinent subject matter. If not careful, we can subconsciously assume that Generation Z views the world from our (prior generations) lens.

What You'll Learn:

Participants in this session will learn how Generation Z feels about the following:

  1. Finding their major.
  2. Leaders and their preferred leadership styles.
  3. How they define “grit”.
  4. The value of education.
  5. Choosing a career.
  6. Technology usage.

Webinar Presenter

  • Vantrel Mainor Vantrel Mainor

    Leader, mentor, artist, visionary, author, and an entrepreneurial spirit, are just some of the words to describe Vantrel A. Mainor. He is a strong advocate for both student and professional development, speaking to various groups (organizations, conferences, etc.) on subjects pertaining to leadership, personal growth, workplace culture, among other topics. Vantrel has been employed at Savannah State University for over 18 years, working in Trio Programs (Education Talent Search), Lead Academic Coaching, Professional Advising, and is currently the Coordinator for Academic Recovery Services. He currently has directing responsibilities for AAMI (African American Male Initiative) for the SSU campus. He is the author of The Common Sense Leader: Leadership decisions are not as complicated as the leaders themselves. Vantrel is an award-winning speaker earning Best of Region 4 for NACADA in 2022 for his presentation titled “Fly Little Eagles Fly: Advising and Coaching Students to become more Self-Sufficient”. Last but certainly not least, Vantrel Mainor is the proud husband of Sheri Mainor; together, they have two beautiful daughters.

Register by Mail/Fax

Individuals using checks or purchase orders for payment must use this Registration Form.  

  • Please complete the form, print it, and mail or fax to the Executive Office. Registrations will be processed in the order they are received. Once processing is complete, you will receive via email a receipt or invoice for the event.
  • The completed form and a check or approved PO must be received by the Executive Office at least two working days prior to the event. If the event should reach capacity before your registration can be processed, your check or PO will be returned to you.
  • Note: For your financial safety, we can NOT accept registrations with a credit card via email.

Transfer/Refund Policy

If you find after registering that you are not able to attend the broadcast, you may:

- Choose to simply remain registered and view the streamable recording of the event from the link that will be provided and available for 30 days following the event.

- Transfer your registration to another individual from your institution. (If this person is not a current NACADA member, they will either be asked to become a member or pay the non-member fee.)

- Up to 30 days prior to the webinar: Request a refund of paid registration fees (less $25) in writing. 

- 29 to 8 days prior to the webinar: Request a refund off paid registration fees (less 50%) in writing. 

- Due to service provider obligations, refund requests can not be accepted less than 8 days before the event. Internal campus substitutions can be made up to 3 days before the broadcast.

- In the unlikely event the broadcast is cancelled, registration fees will be returned.


NACADA Members:

Before/on January 14 - $175

After/on January 15 - $200


Before/on January 14 - $325

After/on January 15 - $350

Registration closes February 11, 2025