Students with Experiences in the Foster Care System Advising Community

Students with experience in the foster care system attend, are retained, and graduate college at a significantly lower rate than their peers. They encounter substantial barriers to their education, including homelessness, symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a lack of support financially and in making decisions to transition into adulthood.  Experiences in the foster care system are more common among individuals of color and persons who identify themselves within the LGBTQ+ community; contributions to this field of expertise responds to issues of access to education and equity of educational opportunities. An Advising Community to support students with experiences in the foster care system aims to provide a network of resources for advisors who are interested in helping these students reach their academic and career goals. 

  • Kasandrea Sereno
    Kasandrea Sereno Chair 2022-2024 Tulsa Community College Region 7