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Voices of the Global Community

2014 December 37:4

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Many students are entering college unprepared for the adjustments required to succeed, such as balancing freedom vs. responsibility, time management, problem solving, and study skills. A Probation Recovery Program helps students achieve the skills and confidence necessary to overcome those deficits, and plays a pivotal role in helping students achieve success.

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academic support, probation, at-risk students, Brad Bergeron

Presenting at a NACADA event is a very rewarding experience, but it can also be a little stressful.  The author shares tips for a presenting a successful conference session.

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Kyle Ross, professional development

Assessment is an integral part of the puzzle that connects what we do in our role as academic advisors. When we assess our departments, our students, and ourselves at our institutions, we are getting at the crux of the matter and opening ourselves up to a new conversation.

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professional development, assessment, Lory King

Complete editions of AAT are provided to facilitate one-touch print capability, but readers are encouraged to view the individual articles to utilize the site's enhanced search and "related articles" features.

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