Charlie Nutt, NACADA Executive Director
This is NACADA's 30th Birthday! In "association years," we are still in our adolescence, growing and expanding, reaching for new horizons, and finding innovative ways to connect with each of you and provide the highest quality support and professional development opportunities to enhance the success of your students.
In these very difficult financial times, NACADA continues to explore a variety of ways to bring NACADA Near You. We recognize that travel budgets are being cut and traditional professional development opportunities might not be available to many of you. Therefore, our vision is to work together with our members to provide as many opportunities as possible so you can continue to grow professionally and find new and innovative ways to enhance the academic advising experiences of your students and thus increase their persistence to graduation.
Here are a few of the ways that we plan to bring NACADA Near You:
The Board of Directors and the Executive Office Staff are committed to each of you. We encourage you to continue to find ways that NACADA can benefit you, your institutions, and your students.
Charlie Nutt, Executive Director NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising (785) 532-5717 [email protected]
Cite this article using APA style as: Nutt, C. (2009, June). From the executive director: NACADA near you. Academic Advising Today, 32(2). Retrieved from [insert url here]