Kathy Stockwell, NACADA President
I hope everyone had a productive spring, a successful conclusion to the school year, and a smooth start to the summer term. For NACADA, this has definitely been a busy and exciting time. At its mid-year meeting in March, the Board of Directors and the Council received updates from the various task forces and subcommittees that have been appointed to assist the Association in meeting its strategic goals. Many exciting ventures are in the works, and I look forward to sharing the outcomes of those efforts in future publications and at the Annual Conference in Denver this October. While at the mid-year meeting, we got a sneak preview of what downtown Denver has to offer; it’s a great site for our Annual Conference, and I know NACADA members will enjoy what Denver and the conference have to offer.
As spring drew to a close, so did NACADA’s Regional Conference season. This year, these outstanding and highly successful events drew 2600+ participants, a testament to the fact that academic advising continues to grow in importance on our college and university campuses. I personally want to thank our Region Chairs, the Region Conference Chairs and their committees, and all the conference volunteers (and there were many) who made this year’s conferences a success. NACADA is a grassroots organization that thrives because of the involvement of our members; these volunteers are true examples of how groups of dedicated individuals can work together to plan exceptional learning/networking experiences. As I always state in my conference welcome comments, it is a pleasure to be around so many people who are dedicated to the success of our students. I always leave NACADA conferences re-energized and proud to be affiliated with this wonderful Association.
Here are just a few of the many highlights from this year’s Regional Conferences:
These are just a few of the many exciting things from our Regional Conferences that help make NACADA a premier Association for those helping students succeed.
As spring exits and summer approaches, I encourage each NACADA member to consider attending one of the two NACADA Summer Institutes to be held in late June in Colorado Springs and early August in New Orleans. The NACADA Summer Institute is like summer camp for advisors! It is an intensive, weeklong experience where participants network with colleagues from like institutions, interact with experts in the field of academic advising, and develop Action Plans that enhance advising on their campuses. This is an invaluable experience not to be missed!
I hope each of us has a great summer. Take some time to enjoy the great outdoors, have some fun, and rejuvenate!
Thanks to all -- NACADA is strong because of the contributions of each member.
Kathy Stockwell, President NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising Fox Valley Technical College [email protected]
Cite this article using APA style as: Stockwell, K. (2011, June). From the president: Together we make a difference! Academic Advising Today, 34(2). Retrieved from [insert url here]