Entries for ' Index'

Featured Review: Collegiate Transfer: Navigating the new normal Behind the Academic Curtain: How to find success and happiness with a PhD C...

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Book Review, Index, Issue 34(2)
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50 Communication Skills Activities The 2003 Your First College Year (YFCY) Survey: Exploring the academic and personal experiences of first-year stud...

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Book Review, Index, Issue 26(2)
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Featured Review: Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk African American Men in College Ahead of the Pack: Balancing your way to pe...

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Book Review, Index
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Academic Advising: New Insights for Teaching and Learning in the First Year Assessing Student Learning: A common sense guide Blueprint for Learn...

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Book Review, Index
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Featured Review: Blended Learning: Across the disciplines, across the academy B+ Grades, A+ College Application Choosing Civility: The Twen...

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Book Review, Index
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Featured Review: More than Listening: A Casebook for using counseling skills in student affairs work Academic Interactions: Communicating on...

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Book Review, Index
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Featured Review: Transforming Undergraduate Education:Theory That Compel and Practices That Succeed Advancing the integrity of professional prac...

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Book Review, Index
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                        List of Boo...

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Book Review, Index, 33(1)
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