NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources

Clearinghouse Definition:  The central location within the NACADA Web site for the collection, vetting, organization, storage, and dissemination of information and resources to assist academic advisors.

Mission of the NACADA Clearinghouse:  To promote the advancement of academic advising -- explain and improve practice -- by providing members with electronic access to:

  • member suggested resources for advisor professional development and the advising of students
  • practitioner authored overviews of relevant advising topics
  • references that support member research for the betterment of the field, advising programs, advisors, and the students we serve


  • Advising Issues & Resources contain at least one of the following elements:
    • Topic overview 'anchor' article written by a member knowledgeable in the issue addressed
    • Resource links to Web sites and additional articles applicable to the topic
    • Bibliographies of articles and/or books where advisors can 'read more about' the topic
  • Advising Standards & Values include links to recognized definitions, standards and values of advising.
  • Member Produced Publications suggested by NACADA members as useful for both advisees and advisors.

Clearinghouse History:  The National Clearinghouse for Academic Advising was developed and administered by University College, Ohio State University from 1989 to 1999. Selected materials from the original Clearinghouse were combined with the international resources of the NACADA Executive Office in April, 2002. The result is theNACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources or Clearinghouse for short.

Current Status:  Clearinghouse information is updated daily. Further expansion is planned, see the 'Adding to the Clearinghouse ".

  • NACADA members are encouraged to recommend or share a beneficial web sites by emailing suggestions to [email protected]
  • Volunteer to author a Clearinghouse 'anchor' articles on a topic not covered. Find guidelines for writing
  • Article authors must grant copyright to NACADA for publication
  • Writing suggestions ( 10 tips on how to write less badly ) viaThe Chronicle

Clearinghouse Disclaimer:  The NACADA Clearinghouse for Academic Advising exists to promote the advancement of academic advising through the greater dissemination of pertinent resources and research. NACADA maintains copyright on all Clearinghouse pages.

NACADA does not authenticate, nor endorse any site linked within the Clearinghouse. Listing of a URL within the Clearinghouse does NOT constitute permission to copy any portion of the linked pages. Contact page owners directly for information regarding authorship and copyright restrictions.