Academic Advising Resources

Entries for 'SuperUser Account'

Academic Advising as a Comprehensive Campus Process Series Note:This is an article in a series celebrating NACADA 30th anniversary. In this series...

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Posted in: Collaboration
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LET ME GIVE YOU A HAND Richard A.Voorhees Larry Landis More students are requesting reference letters from faculty and staff than ever before....

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career advising, reference, recommendation, letter
Posted in: Career Advising
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One advisor's journey chairing the committee charged with restructuring academic advising services. Includes ideas and resources helpful for those charged with providing better quality academic advising.

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change, advising, advisors, faculty, restructure, revamp, overhaul, guide
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NACADA 2000 MEMBER SURVEY PRELIMINARY RESULTSNotice of survey was sent to NACADA members by postcard and two e-mai...

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Posted in: Research
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A series of three articles were published in the NACADA Journal. Each article featured analysis of data from a different portion of the survey. Find links to those articles here.

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NACADA, member, survey, national survey, research
Posted in: Research
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  Factors to consider when (re)structuring academic advising.

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change, structure, organization, restructuring
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