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Entries for ' executive director'


Just as higher education is complex, the work we do across campuses to increase student success is complex and cannot be done in isolation or in established silos.  The NACADA Board of Directors and Executive Office is focusing this year on building an intentional plan to develop strong relationships with other higher education associations and groups who are actively focusing on student success.  

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Charlie Nutt, executive director

It has been a busy but profitable year for our association.  NACADA continues to grow in supporting our membership and also in our impact across all of higher education across the globe. 

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2017 June 40:2

Each year, the impact of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising grows on our members, the profession, institutions, and the globe.  Clearly, NACADA is growing in our impact across the world that is directly connected to the work of thousands of members, leaders, and the partnership with the Executive Office Staff.

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Charlie Nutt, NACADA Executive Director We all know that Bruce Springsteen is known as “The Boss” of rock and roll.  Several years...

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Charlie Nutt, executive director

With the NACADA Winter Institutes and Seminar, the association elections, and the start of the Regional Conferences, NACADA in the Spring Time is always an exciting time.  Spring 2018 is no exception with several other exciting NACADA developments occurring as well!

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1
Charlie Nutt, NACADA Executive Director Spring, as always in academia, is a busy but exciting time of year for all of us.  In addition to our ...

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

So much has been accomplished since this time last year!  We continue to move NACADA into the future as the premier association for academic advising and student success and work to ensure that NACADA has a strong role in enhancing higher education and student success globally.

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Charlie Nutt, executive director

It is important that NACADA continues to grow in influence and involvement in higher education across the world in order for the future of the association to have impact across higher education for student success. This involves intentionally selected partnerships and collaborations with many institutions across the world as well as with other influential higher education associations and entities.

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

This year, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, celebrates its 40th Anniversary.  Executive Director Charlie Nutt discusses some important themes that we are celebrating in our Past, our Present, and our Future.

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Charlie Nutt, executive director

2020 is an exciting year for NACADA as we celebrate our association’s 40th anniversary. NACADA has a rich history of enhancing student success and providing opportunities for networking and learning to a broad constituency of higher education professionals from all types of institutions across the globe. We continue to make a major impact not only on our members’ work, but also on institutions as they work to structure successful academic advising programs.

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1
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