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NACADA Executive Director Charlie Nutt discusses how we as a profession and an association can define a Student of Academic Advising.
NACADA Executive Director Charlie Nutt makes some predictions for the future of NACADA as new innovative, hardworking, dedicated, and determined leaders step into the association and executive office leadership.
The only thing that is constant is change… As you move forward this fall on your campuses, please know that your association is here to support you every step of the way.
Academic advising personnel may find ourselves battling fatigue, worry, and uncertainty, all while lifting others up. Holistic academic advising strategies take a lot of time, energy, and resources, but they make a difference. Take some time to fill your own cup, and know that NACADA will continue to be here, dedicated to you, your growth, and your professional development.
As long as there is hope, there is a chance for change. Change means growth, which means we blossom into better versions of ourselves.
Executive Director Melinda Anderson finds her first year in the position exciting, thrilling, exhausting, and full of surprises.
NACADA is here to support and guide you on your professional journey.