Entries for May 2013

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Michelle Barbour. Review of the book You Majored in What? A Penguin publication.

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Career advising, Penguin, Michelle Barbour, major advising
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Carol Antill. Review of the book Moonwalking with Einstein. A Penguin publication

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Learning Style, Carol Antill, Penguin, memory
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Heidi Verticchio. Review of the book Humanity, Diversity, & The Liberal Arts. A Kendall Hunt publication

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Liberal Arts, Kendall Hunt, Heidi Verticchio, General education
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Sarah Syversen. Review of the book The Student EQ Edge. A Wiley publication

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, Sarah Syversen, Emotional well being
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Michiko Bigus. Review of the book International perspectives on the first-year experience in higher education. A publication of The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience.

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National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, International students, Michiko Bigus
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