Entries for ' Jossey Bass'

Christine Simone. Review of the book From entitlement to engagement: Affirming millennial students’ egos in the higher education classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Millennials, Jossey Bass, , Christine Simone, entitlement
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Neete Saha. Review of the book Confessions of a Community College Administrator. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, community college, Neete Saha
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Anita Carter. Review of the book Selected Contemporary Assessment Issues. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Anita Carter
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Liz Murdock LaFortune. Review of the book Contemplative Studies in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Student Learning, Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Liz Murdock LaFortune, Interpersonal relations
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Christine R. Cook. Review of the book Preventing College Student Suicide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, Christine R. Cook, student suicide
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Derek T. Furukawa. Review of the book Hiring right: Conducting successful searches in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Derek T. Furukawa, Hiring, Career
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Cathy Kennemer. Review of the book Reframing Retention Strategy for Institutional Improvement. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Retention, Cathy Kennemer
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Craig M. McGill. Review of the book The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Research, Jossey Bass, Craig M. McGill
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book The Breadth of Current Faculty Development: Practitioners’ Perspectives. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, Faculty Development
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Terri Baker. Review of the book Discipline-Centered Learning Communities. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Jossey Bass, Terri Baker, Learning Communities
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Sandra E. Seay. Review of the book Powerful Techniques for Teaching Adults. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Adult learners, Sandra E. Seay
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Sarah Syversen. Review of the book The Student EQ Edge. A Wiley publication

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, Sarah Syversen, Emotional well being
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Kathryn S. Snider. Review of the book Developing Students' Leadership Capacity. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student learning outcomes, Jossey Bass, Kathryn S. Snider, Leadership building
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Steven J. Bailey. 

Review of the book Emerging Issues and Practices in Peer Education by Lee Burdette Williams

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Jossey Bass, Steven J. Bailey, Peer education
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Alisa Trotter. Review of the book Facilitating the Moral Growth of College Students.
 A Jossey Bass Publication.

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Alisa Trotter
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Douglas Munski. Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Douglas Munski, online, learning communities virtual
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Gene Chintala. Review of the book The Law of Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Gene Chintala, higher education, law
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Stephen Neer. Review of the book Key Issues in New Student Enrollment. A Jossey Bass publication

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student, Jossey Bass, Stephen Neer, enrollment, freshman, first-year
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Responsibility at Work: How leading professionals act (or don’t act) responsibly. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, work, workplace, responsibility
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Laura R. Pittman. The Shaping of American Higher Education: Emergence and Growth of the Contemporary System

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Jossey Bass, Laura R. Pittman, higher education
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Joyce E. Howland. Review of the book Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Joyce E. Howland, multicultural
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Linda Mayhew. e-Portfolios: Emerging opportunities for Student Affairs. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Linda Mayhew, e-portfolios
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J. Valdés. Review of the book Mixed Methods in Social Inquiry. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, J. Valdés, Mixed methods
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Jeremy Hernandez. Review of the book blended learning in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Jeremy Hernandez, Principles, guidelines
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Jean Fulton. Review of the book On Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Jossey Bass, Jean C. Fulton, Teaching, learning, Dialogue
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Adam Duberstein. Review of the book Educating for democracy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Adam Duberstein, democracy, political engagement
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Susan Neste. Review of the book Fostering Student Success in the Campus Community. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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student success, Jossey Bass, Susan Neste
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Zebeen Panju. Review of the book Beyond Tests and Quizzes, Creative Assessments in the College Classroom. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Teaching, Zebeen Panju
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Carol Ann Baily. Review of the book The Jossey-Bass Reader on the brain and learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Carol Ann Baily
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Julie L. Amon. Responding to the Realities of Race on Campus (New Directions for Student Services #120). A Jossey Bass publication.  

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Jossey Bass, multicultural, Julie Amon, race
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Maura M. Reynolds. Review of the book Curriculum development in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, curriculum, Maura M. Reynolds
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Sarah Keeling. The formation of scholars: Rethinking doctoral education for the twenty-first century. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Research, Jossey Bass, dissertation, Sarah Keeling
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Kimberly Kozubovska. The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Mentoring, Jossey Bass, Kimberly Kozubovska
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Jill Wagner. How to Talk about Hot Topics on Campus. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Jill Wagner, Arthur Chickering, Conversation
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Edward L. Vaughn. Review of the book Strategic Financial Challenges for Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Edward L. Vaughn, Campus finances
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Audra J. Frick. Review of the book Emotionally Intelligent Leadership A Guide for College Students.

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Jossey Bass, Audra J. Frick, Leadership students
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Christy Carter. Review of the book On becoming a woman leader: Learning from the experiences of university presidents. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, women , Christy Nosek Carter
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Betty J. Sanford. Review of the book Assisting Bereaved College Students. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, death, Betty J. Sanford, Grief
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Jacqueline M. Slaughter. Review of the book Assessing Student Learning in General Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jacqueline M. Slaughter, Jossey Bass, General education
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Marcelle Heerschap. Trainer’s Warehouse Book of Games: Fun and Energizing Ways to Enhance Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Marcelle Heerschap, training, development
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Rebecca McCarson. Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. A Jossey Bass publication. 

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Jossey Bass, Adult learners, Rebecca McCarson
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Mandy Anderson. Review of the book Challenges of the faculty career for women: Success & sacrifice. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, faculty, women , Mandy Anderson
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Timothy J. Jones. Review of the book Engaging Ideas. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student learning outcomes, Jossey Bass, Timothy J. Jones, Teaching style
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Holly E. Martin. Review of the book Managing parent partnerships. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Parents, Jossey Bass, Holly E. Martin, parent involvement
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Alison Sommers. Review of the book Faculty Incivility. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Alison Sommers, bullying, work environment, faculty conduct
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Brenda L. Banks. Review of the book The Essential Department Chair. A Jossey Bass publication

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College Administration, Jossey Bass, Brenda L. Banks, Department Chair
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Effective leadership communication. A Jossey Bass publication.

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College Administration, Leadership, Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White
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Ashley Vikander. Review of the book Empowering Online Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Ashley Vikander, Distance learning
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Jeffrey McClellan. Review of the book Practical approaches to ethics for colleges and universities. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, ethics, Jeffrey McClellan
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Leila Chavez Soliman. Review of the book Promoting integrated and transformative assessment. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Leila Chavez Soliman, learning
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Faculty at the margins. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Sybil L. Holloway, faculty, non-traditional
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Denise Dooley. Review of the book The Gender Gap in College. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Gender, Denise Dooley
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Review by Elly Brenner. A review of the book Biracial and Multiracial Students. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Student populations, Elly Brenner, Ethnicity
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Jen Hazel. Review of the book Academic Advising. A publication of Jossey Bass and NACADA

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Jossey Bass, NACADA, academic advising, Jen Hazel, W.R. Habley, & T. J. Grites
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Christy A. Walker. Review of the book Academic Advising. A publication of NACADA and Jossey Bass

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Jossey Bass, handbook, NACADA, W.R. Habley, & T. J. Grites, Christy A. Walker
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Monica Kempland. Review of the book The Academic Portfolio. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Monica Kempland, Academic Portfolio
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Noelle Bautista Magaña. Review of the book learner-centered, developing, practical guide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Noelle Bautista Magaña, teaching method, learner centered teaching
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Jillian Reading. Review of the book Assessing the online learner. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Distance Students, Jillian Reading, online learners
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Hailey King. Review of the book Helping college students. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Hailey King, student support
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Kathleen Carpenter. Review of the book Using Wikis for online collaboration. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, , Kathleen Carpenter, Wikis, online collaboration
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Tracey A. Glaessgen. Review of the book The first year and beyond. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Tracey A. Glaessgen, first year transition
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James O'Brien. Review of the book Using emerging technologies to enhance student engagement. A Jossey Bass publication

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Technology, Jossey Bass, James O'Brien, study development
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Christine Shaal. Review of the book In search of safer communities.A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Christine Shaal, school safety, crisis resposne
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Jennifer A. Kinslow. Review of the book Educating integrated professionals. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, New Advisors, Jennifer A. Kinslow, Student affairs professionals
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Johnathan Franklin. Review of the book Parental involvement in higher education

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Parents, Jossey Bass, Johnathan Franklin, parental involvement
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Stephanie M. Foote. Review of the book Tools for teaching. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Stephanie M. Foote, Teaching
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Ruth O. Bingham. Review of the book Organizing higher education for collaboration. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Ruth O. Bingham, Collaboration
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Jan P. Eriksen. Best practices for supporting adjunct faculty. A Jossey Bass publication

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Support, Jossey Bass, Jan P. Eriksen, Adjunct faculty, academic affairs
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Abby Coffin. Review of the book Educating Engineers. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Abby Coffin, Engineering students
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Paige K. Wilmeth. Review of the book Getting even. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Paige K. Wilmeth, workplace safety, working environment
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book The Mentee’s Guide. A Jossey Bass publication

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Mentoring, Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White
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Ruth Checketts Harrison. Review of the book Designing Conflict Management Systems: A Guide to Creating Productive and Healthy Organizations. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Book Review, Ruth Checketts Harrison, conflict management, administrative issues
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Jamie Reynolds. Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, , Jamie Reynolds
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Emily M. McCall. Review of the book College of the Overwhelmed: The Campus Mental Health Crisis and What to Do About It. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Counseling, Jossey Bass, mental health, Emily M. McCall
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Timothy J. Jones. Review of the book The Wisdom of Practice: Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Timothy J. Jones, Book Review, Teaching, learning
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Shannon Lynn Burton. Review of the book Arenas of Entrepreneurship:  Where Nonprofit and For-Profit Institutions Compete. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Shannon Lynn Burton, Book Review, entrepreneurship
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Maura M. Reynolds. Review of the book Student Success in College: Creating conditions that matter. A Jossey Bass publication.

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student, success, Jossey Bass, Book Review, Maura M. Reynolds, mattering
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Deborah Renner Hull. Review of the book Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, , Deborah Renner Hull
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Cathy Kennemer. Review of the book The Secrets of Facilitation:  The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Getting Results with Groups. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, , Book Review, Cathy Kennemer, facilitation, group
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Julianne Scibetta. Review of the book Lessons in Learning, e-Learning, and Training. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, learning, training, development, Julianne Scibetta, e-learning, inservice
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Kristi Meyer. Review of the book Higher Education for the Public Good: Emerging Voices from a National Movement. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, higher education, Kristi Meyer, social
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Jennifer L. McCaul. Review of the book Identity, Learning, and the Liberal Arts. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Liberal Arts, Book Review, learning, Jennifer L. McCaul
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Stephen G. Pajewski. Review of the book Encouraging Authenticity & Spirituality in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Spirituality, Stephen G. Pajewski
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David Deggs. Working the Planning Table: Negotiating Democratically for Adult, Continuing and Workplace Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, David Deggs, program development
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Daniel Quinlin. Review of the book Educating Clergy: Teaching Practices and Pastoral Imagination. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Daniel Quinlin, pastor, priest, clergy
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Jessamy Hoffmann. Review of the book Spirituality in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Spirituality, Book Review, Jessamy Hoffmann
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Bernadette So. Review of the book Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education: Preparing Stewards of the Discipline. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, doctorate, Bernadette So
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Ruth O. Bingham. Review of the book Career Advising: An Academic Advisor's Guide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, Ruth O. Bingham, Virginia Gordon
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Jennifer Daood. Liberal Arts Colleges and Liberal Arts Education. New Evidence on Impacts. ASHE Higher Education Report (Jossey-Bass Wiley Company). A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Liberal Arts, Jennifer Daood, liberal studies, liberal education
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Roberta “Bobbie” Flaherty. Review of the book New Ways to Phase into Retirement: Options for Faculty and Institutions. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Roberta “Bobbie” Flaherty, Retirement
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Laurie J. Nelson. Review of the book Teaching Defiance: Stories and strategies for activist educators. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Laurie J. Nelson, defiance, activism
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Joy Gaston Gayles. Review of the book African American Men in College. A Jossey Bass publication.

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success, Jossey Bass, Book Review, Joy Gaston Gayles, male, African American
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Brandi Ellis. Review of the book Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, design, Brandi Ellis, courses
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Matthew Church. Review of the book A Laboratory for Public Scholarship and Democracy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Matthew Church, democracy, public scholarship
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Tara McNealy. Review of the book Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Research, Jossey Bass, Tara McNealy, educational research
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Sara Miceli. Review of the book Critical Issues for Student Affairs: Challenges and Opportunities.

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Jossey Bass, Student Affairs, Book Review, Student Services, Sara Miceli
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Jenni Stacy-Adams. Review of the book The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, higher education, Jenni Stacy-Adams, future
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Michael J. Magee. Review of the book Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning: A Guide for Educators of Adults. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Non-Traditional Students, Jossey Bass, Michael J. Magee, adult students
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Susan Dawkins. Review of the book Teaching First-Year College Students. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, first-year, freshmen, fye, Susan Dawkins
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Lester J. Manzano. Review of the book Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Institutional Researchers to Improve Institutional Effectiveness. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Research, Jossey Bass, Assessment, effectiveness, Student Services, Lester J. Manzano
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Ruth C. Slotnick. Review of the book Understanding Students in Transition: Trends and Issues. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, transfer, freshmen, Ruth C. Slotnick, transition
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Review of the book Supplemental Instruction: New Visions for empowering Student Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Teaching style, Instruction, Julie Longmire
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Anna M. Kent. Review of the book Transitions Between Faculty and Administrative Careers. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Book Review, faculty, Anna M. Kent, careers
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Joyce E. Howland. Review of the book Learning in Real Time: Synchronous Teaching and Learning Online. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, learning, online, Joyce E. Howland, sychronous
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Stephanie Ritrievi. Review of the book Supporting Graduate and Professional Students:  The Role of Student Affairs. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Graduate Students, Jossey Bass, Stephanie Ritrievi, graduate advising, professional
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Joey St. Germain. Review of the book Practitioners on Making Accountability Work for the Public. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, accountability, higher education, Joey St. Germain, public, universities, college
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Michael H. Turpin. Review of the book Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Adult learners, Michael H. Turpin, non traditional students
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Assessing Organizational Performance in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, , Assessment, Sybil L. Holloway
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Curtis Good. Review of the book Reconnecting Education and Foundations: Turning Good Intentions into Educational Capital. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, student support, Curtis Good, foundations, academic support
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Christine Frezek. Campus Confidential: The Complete Guide to the College Experience by Students for Students. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Christine Frezek, freshmen, fye
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Peggy Itschner. Review of the book Latino Educational Opportunity. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Peggy Itschner, latino students
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Paige K. Wilmeth. Review of the book Exploring leadership for college students who want to make a difference. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Paige K. Wilmeth, student leadership
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Marie Dillon Dahleh. Review of the book Tough choices or tough times: The report of the new commission on the skills of the American workforce. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Marie Dillon Dahleh, Reform, Change
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David Deggs. Review of the book Rethinking Faculty Work: Higher Education’s Strategic Imperative. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, faculty, David Deggs
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Jamie Reynolds. Review of the book The Small College Dean. A Jossey Bass publication

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Jamie Reynolds, Small Colleges, Deans
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John R. Nilsson. Review of the book Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, John R. Nilsson, pre-law, lawyer, attorney, pre-professional
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Janice Lindsley. Review of the book Managing for Innovation. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Janice Lindsley, innovation, management
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Hilton Hallock. Review of the book Campus Crisis Management. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, death, Hilton Hallock, crisis, emergency
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Tamara L. Franklin. Review of the book Student Affairs Staff as Teachers. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Student Affairs, Tamara L. Franklin, Student Services, teacher, instructor
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Jeffrey McClellan. Review by Self-Authorship: Advancing students’ intellectual growth. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Jeffrey McClellan, self-authorship
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Jennifer Brown. The Taboos of Leadership: The 10 secrets no one will tell you about leaders and what they really think. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Leadership, Jossey Bass, Jennifer Brown
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Amy Urbanek. Review of the book First-time leaders of small groups: How to create high-performing committees, task forces, clubs and boards. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, leaders, Amy Urbanek, Clubs, Committee, small groups
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Joan Pedersen. Review of the book The Handbook of Career Advising. A Jossey Bass publication

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, Joan Pedersen
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Rose Rezaei. Review of the book FERPA clear and simple. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Rose Rezaei, FERPA
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Kerri Fuller, Review of the book Advancement work in student affairs. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Student Affairs, Kerri Fuller
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Timothy J. Jones. College men and masculinities. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Timothy J. Jones, Student populations, male students
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Rachel Fatto. Review of the book Creating a Mentoring Culture. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Mentoring, student success, Jossey Bass, Rachel Fatto
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Stephen Price. A review of the book How Learning Works. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Stephen Price
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Jennifer Dawn Jones. Review of the book Perpectives on fund raising. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Jennifer Dawn Jones, Financing, Fund raising
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Tamie Saffell. Review of the book The secrets of college success. A Jossey Bass publication

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student success, Jossey Bass, Tamie Saffell
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Kristan M. Venegas. Review of the book Student Affairs Budgeting and Financial Management in the Midst of Financial Crisis. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Funding, Financing, Kristan M. Venegas
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Karri Holley. Review of the book Understanding interdisciplinary challenges and opportunities in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Dr. Peter Kim, Interdisciplinary studies
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Jon Kleinman. Review of the book What Matters in College. A Jossey Bass publiation

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Student Development, Jon Kleinman, Jossey Bass
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Jeffrey Buller, Academic leadership day by day. A Jossey-Bass publication

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Jeffrey Buller
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Amy Casaldi, Deeper learning in leadership. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Amy Casaldi
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Elizabeth Dussol. Review of the book Experiential education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Elizabeth Dussol, extra-curricular
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Carolyn A. Caveny. The Handbook of Race and Adult Education. A Brookfield publication

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Non-Traditional Students, Jossey Bass, Carolyn A. Caveny, Minority students
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Sarah Champlin-Scharff. Helping College Students Find Purpose. A Jossey-Bass publication

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Student Development, Career advising, Jossey Bass, Sarah Champlin-Scharff
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Charles Mowen. A review of the book An Integrative analysis approach to diversity in the college classroom. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Charles Mowen, Minority student population
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Virginia Anderson. A Review of the book International collaborations. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Virginia Anderson, International students
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Patrick Morton, Landmark Issues in Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Patrick Morton, Issues in Higher education
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Jeffrey L. McClellan. Review of the book Leadership for a better world. A Jossey Bass publication

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Leadership, Jossey Bass, Jeffrey L. McClellan
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Kelley Meidl. Review of the book Reframing Academic Leadership. A Jossey Bass publication

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Leadership, Jossey Bass, Kelley Meidl
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Book by Jerry Price Review by Amy Burns College of Community and Public Service Undergraduate Advising Center Grand Valley State University Th...

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Jossey Bass, Minority students, Amy Burns
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Book by Parker J. Palmer, Arthur Zajonc, & Megan Scribner Review by Rebecca J Roach Student Success Counselor, Enrollment Management & Stude...

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College Administration, Jossey Bass, Rebecca J Roach
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Book by Shannon E. Ellis (Ed.) Review by Tara Jabbaar-Gyambrah Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs Hilbert College Sustainability and holist...

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Jossey Bass, Jossey Bass, Student Affairs
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Nancy DeLaet. Review of the book Creating Campus Community: In Search of Ernest Boyer’s Legacy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Book Review, Nancy DeLaet, community
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Heather T. Zeng. Review of the book International Policy Perspectives on Improving Learning with Limited Resources. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Heather T. Zeng, learning, international
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Patrick J. Donnelly. Review by Reframing Persistence Research to Improve Academic Success (New Directions for Institutional Research, No. 130). A Jossey Bass publication

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Research, Jossey Bass, Retention, Patrick J. Donnelly, persistence
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Nikola D. Strader. Review of the book Information Literacy. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Nikola D. Strader, information literacy
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Ronald Banks. Review of the book Accreditation. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Ronald Banks, Accreditation
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review of the book Challenging the professionalism of adult education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Debra L. Dukes, Adult learners
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Cynthia A. Walker. Review of the book Classroom assessment techniques. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Cynthia A. Walker
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Anne M. London. Review of the book Creating a veteran-friendly campus. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Veteran Students, Book Review, Anne M. London
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Christine Frezek, Review of the book Good mentoring. A Jossey Bass publication

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Mentoring, Jossey Bass, Christine Frezek
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Erin Busscher. Review of the book The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Erin Busscher, Student Affairs Administration
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Kimberly Klein. Review of the book Improving the Climate for Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in STEM Fields. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Kimberly Klein, STEM majors
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Matt Church. Review of the book Internationalizing the Curriculum in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Matt Church, International Education, globalizing higher ed
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Kelsey Smyth. Review of the book Intersections of Religious Privilege. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Kelsey Smyth, Religious student groups
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Jeane Redsecker. Review of the book Lessons learned from virtual universities. A Jossey Bass publication

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Technology, Jossey Bass, Jeane Redsecker, Distance Students
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Bethany Wiles. Review of the book The Obama Education Plan. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Bethany Wiles, Education administration
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Laurie J. Nelson. Review of the book Strategies for Teaching Assistant and International Teaching Assistant

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Jossey Bass, International students, Laurie J. Nelson, teaching assistants
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Mark Rohland. Review of the book Teaching With Classroom Response Systems. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Mark Rohland, classroom response systems
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Casie Runksmeier. Review of the book Team-Based learning. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Casie Runksmeier
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Beth Andrews. Review of the book Turnaround Leadership for Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Administration, Leadership, Jossey Bass, Beth Andrews
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Jean C. Fulton. As the spirit moves us. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Jean C. Fulton, Spirituality
Posted in: Book Review
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Dawn Fettig. Review of the book Case studies for implementing assessment in student affairs. A Jossey Bass, publication

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Jossey Bass, Assessment, Dawn Fettig
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Ashley Vikander. Review of the book Civic Service. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Ashley Vikander, Service Learning
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Stephen Price, Jossey Bass, Student development, curriculum

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Stephen Price, curriculum
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Leila Chavez Soliman. Review of the book Harnessing America’s wasted talent. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning outcomes, Completion, Leila Chavez Soliman
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Stephen G. Pajewski. Review of the book Helping sophomores succeed. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Stephen G. Pajewski, Sophmore students
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Shannon Lynn Burton. Review of the book Institutionalizing community engagement in higher education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Shannon Lynn Burton, Service learnign
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Stephanie Elliott. Review of the book Learning online with games, simulations, and virtual worlds. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Stephanie Elliott, Video Games
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Lianna Scull. Review of the book Student engagement techniques. A Jossey Bass publication

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Student Development, Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Lianna Scull
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Jeffrey L. McClellan. Review of the book Transformative Learning in Practice. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Jeffrey L. McClellan
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Heather Zeng. Review of the book To improve the academy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Heather Zeng, Assessment
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Nikola D. Strader. Review of the book The World Is Open. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Technology, Nikola D. Strader
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