Entries for December 2015


Yury Riascos review of the book Mentoring as Transformative Practice: Supporting Student and Faculty Diversity by Caroline S. Turner (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Mentoring, Diversity, Book Review, student support, Yury Riascos, underrepresented
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Stephanie Janes review of the book I Could do Anything if I Only Knew What it Was: How to discover what you really want and how to get it by Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith. A Delacorte Press publication.

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Joshua L. Brittingham review of the book New directions for student leadership: Innovative learning for leadership development by Julie E. Owen (ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Theory, Leadership, Professional Development, Joshua L. Brittingham, Book Review
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Linda Bradbury review of the book Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men by Michael Kimmel. A Harper Collins publication.

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Book Review, ethics, Linda Bradbury, student behavior, college life, campus policy
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Jennifer Centner review of the book Backpack to Briefcase: Steps to a Successful Career by Terry Arndt and Kirrin Coleman. A College Transition Publishing publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, academic advising, transition, Jennifer Centner
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