Entries for ' student support'


Yury Riascos review of the book Mentoring as Transformative Practice: Supporting Student and Faculty Diversity by Caroline S. Turner (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Mentoring, Diversity, Book Review, student support, Yury Riascos, underrepresented
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Andrew Murray review of the book Basketball Junkie: A Memoir by Chris Herren and Bill Reynolds. A St. Martin's Griffin publication.

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Book Review, student support, academic advising, Andrew Murray
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Ana Fernandez review of the book Learning Communities from Start to Finish by Mimi Benjamin (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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student success, Professional Development, Book Review, student support, Learning Communities, Ana Fernandez
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Shalece Nuttall review of the book Positive: A Memoir by Paige Rawl with Ali Benjamin. A Harper Collins publication.

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Counseling, Book Review, student support, academic advising, Shalece Nuttall
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Hailey King. Review of the book Helping college students. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Hailey King, student support
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Curtis Good. Review of the book Reconnecting Education and Foundations: Turning Good Intentions into Educational Capital. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, student support, Curtis Good, foundations, academic support
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