damianw posted on August 26, 2013 11:39
Featured Review:
Foundations of Qualitative Research: Interpretive and critical approaches
ADHD in Adults: A psychological guide to practice
The Art and Politics of Academic Governance: Relations among board, presidents and faculty
Balancing Two Words: Asian American college students tell their life stories
Building a Student Information System: Strategies for success and implications for campus policy makers
Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the virtual classroom
Campus Crisis Management
The College Athlete's Guide to Academic Success: Tips from peers and profs.
The Conditions for Admissions: Access, equity, and the social contract of public universities
Connecting Non Full-Time Faculty to Institutional Mission: A guidebook for college/university administrators & faculty developers
Developing Student Expertise and Community: Lessons from how people learn
The Dissertation Journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation.
Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives
Earnings from Learning: The rise of for-profit universities
Education's End: Why our colleges and universities have given up on the meaning of life
Excellence in College Teaching and Learning: Classroom and online instruction
First-Time Leaders of Small Groups: How to create high-performing committees, task forces, clubs and boards
A Handbook for Advancing Comprehensive Internationalization: What institutions can do and what students should learn
Jump Start the Adult Learner: How to engage and motivate adults using brain-compatible strategies
Life During College: Your guide to success
Mi Voz, Mi Vida: Latino college students tell their life stories
Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing
Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing among five approaches
Responsibility at Work: How leading professionals act (or don't act) responsibly
The Shaping of American Higher Education: Emergence and growth of the contemporary system
The Taboos of Leadership: The 10 secrets no one will tell you about leadership and what they really think
Though Choices or Though Times: The report of the new commission on the skills of the American workforce
Toward Successful School Crisis Intervention: Nine key issues
Voyage to Success: Your college adventure guide