Entries for ' first year'


Tanya Fritz review of the book Habitudes for The Journey: Images That Form Leadership Habits & Attitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. A Growing Leaders publication.

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Book Review, student leadership, first year, advisor, Tanya Fritz
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Jarrod Ennis Patterson review of the book 2012-2013 National Survey of First-Year Seminars: Exploring High-Impact Practices in the First College Year by Dallin Young and Jessica Hopp. A National Resource Center publication.

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Book Review, first year, Jarrod Ennis Patterson, seminar, survey
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Tiffany Shaleen Reardon review of the book The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only by Harlan Cohen. A Sourcebooks, Inc. publication.

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Book Review, first year, advisor, Parents, Tiffany Shaleen Reardon, guide
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Karen Thurmond review of the book Proving And Improving Volume II:  Tools and Techniques for Assessing the First College Year by Randy Swing. A National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition publication.

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Book Review, higher education, first year, Karen Thurmond
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Courtney L. Weiss. Foundations: A reader for New College Students. A Thomas Learning publication.

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Book Review, freshmen, Courtney L. Weiss, Thomas Learning, new students, first year
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