Entries for 'Student Affairs'


David M. Anderson review of the book Creating Successful Multicultural Initiatives in Higher Education and Student Affairs by Sherry Watt, Jodi Linley (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication. 

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Book Review, multicultural, higher education, student affairs, David M. Anderson
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Marlene Clapp. Student and academic affairs collaboration: The divine comity

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NASPA, Student Services, student affairs, Marlene Clapp
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Jennifer Wilner review of the book Diversity Issues in American Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Higher Education and Student Affairs Professionals by Lamont Flowers. A Charles C. Thomas Publication.

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Book Review, case studies, student affairs, Diversity, multi-cultural, Jennifer Wilner
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Fiona MacKinon. review of the book Rentz's Student Affairs in Higher Education. A Charles C. Thomas  publication

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Book Review, student affairs, rentz
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