Entries for ' multicultural'


Anna Hegedus review of the book Latino Access to Higher Education: Ethnic Realities and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century by Martin Guevara Urbina, Ph.D. & Claudia Rodriguez Wright, Ed.D. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Book Review, multicultural, higher education, Anna Hegedus, access
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Ragh Singh review of the book Hidden Roads: Nonnative English-Speaking International Professors in the Classroom by Katherine Grace Hendrix & Aparna Hebbani. A Wiley publication.

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International students, Book Review, multicultural, Ragh Singh, nonnative English speakers
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David M. Anderson review of the book Creating Successful Multicultural Initiatives in Higher Education and Student Affairs by Sherry Watt, Jodi Linley (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication. 

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Book Review, multicultural, higher education, student affairs, David M. Anderson
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Lorneth Peters. Review of the book Neither White Nor Male. A Wiley publication.

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Diversity, Administration, Gender, faculty, Wiley, multicultural, Lorneth Peters, color
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Joyce E. Howland. Review of the book Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Joyce E. Howland, multicultural
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Harold W. Faw. Review of the book Teaching at the University Level. A Charles C. Thomas publication

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Global education, multicultural, Harold W. Faw, Chalres C. Thomas publishers
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Haley Richards. Review of the book Building Cultural Intelligence. A Pearson publication. 

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Pearson, multicultural, Haley Richards, Cultural
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Julie L. Amon. Responding to the Realities of Race on Campus (New Directions for Student Services #120). A Jossey Bass publication.  

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Jossey Bass, multicultural, Julie Amon, race
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Christina Ring-Hillard. Review of the book Creating Inclusive Campus Environments. A NASPA publication

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NASPA, Christina Ring-Hillard, multicultural, cross-cultural
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Matthew Church review of the book The Quest to Define Collegiate Desegregation by M. Christopher Brown II. A Bergin & Garvey publication.

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Book Review, multicultural, collegiate desegregation, Matthew Church
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Brandi Ellis review of the book What Makes Racial Diversity Work in Higher Education by Hale Jr. Frank W. A Stylus publication

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Diversity, Book Review, multicultural, racial diverstiy
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Book by: Reason, Robert D., Broido, Ellen M., Davis, Tracy L., Evans, Nancy J. (Eds) Review by: Roger A.E. Callanan Division of Undergradu...

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Book Review, multicultural, Ellen Broido, Tracy Davis and Nancy Evans, social justice, Roger A.E. Callanan
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Keonya Booker review of the book Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education by Phillion, JoAnn, He, Ming Fang, & Connelly, F. Michael (Eds.) a SAGE publication.

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Research, Book Review, multicultural, culture, Keonya Booker
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Janice Lindsley review of the book Oral Storytelling and Teaching Mathmatics: Pedagogical and Multicultural Perspectives by Michael Stephen Schiro and Doris Lawson a Sage publication.

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Book Review, multicultural, mathematics, storytelling, Janice Lindsley
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John G. Igwebuike. Review of the book How to Teach Students Who Don’t Look Like You: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies. A Corwin publication.

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Corwin, Book Review, multicultural, John G. Igwebuike, culture, teach
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Neva Baron. Review of the book Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling With American Indians And Other Native Peoples. A publication of the Teacher's College Press.

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Book Review, multicultural, Teachers College Press, native american, minority, Neva Baron
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Melissa Lantta. Review of the book Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools. A SAGE publication.

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Diversity, SAGE, Book Review, multicultural, race, Melissa Lantta
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Barbara Miller. Identity Development of Diverse Populations:  Implications for Teaching and Administration in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication

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Diversity, Jossey Bass, Book Review, multicultural, Barbara Miller
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Neil McFarlane. Review of the book Balancing two worlds: Asian American college students tell their life stories

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multicultural, Cornell University Press, Neil McFarlane, Asian American
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Amy K. O’Dowd. Review of the book Mi Voz, Mi Vida: Latino College Students Tell Their Life Stories. A Cornell University press publication.

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Cornell University Press, Amy K. O’Dowd, multicultural, latino, hispanic
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Anita L. Carter. Minority Student Retention-The Best of the Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. A Baywood publication

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Retention, Minority students, multicultural, Anita L. Carter, Baywood
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