Anna Hegedus review of the book Latino Access to Higher Education: Ethnic Realities and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century by Martin Guevara Urbina, Ph.D. & Claudia Rodriguez Wright, Ed.D. A Charles C. Thomas publication.
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Ragh Singh review of the book Hidden Roads: Nonnative English-Speaking International Professors in the Classroom by Katherine Grace Hendrix & Aparna Hebbani. A Wiley publication.
David M. Anderson review of the book Creating Successful Multicultural Initiatives in Higher Education and Student Affairs by Sherry Watt, Jodi Linley (Eds.). A Jossey-Bass publication.
Haley Richards. Review of the book Building Cultural Intelligence. A Pearson publication.
Julie L. Amon. Responding to the Realities of Race on Campus (New Directions for Student Services #120). A Jossey Bass publication.
Janice Lindsley review of the book Oral Storytelling and Teaching Mathmatics: Pedagogical and Multicultural Perspectives by Michael Stephen Schiro and Doris Lawson a Sage publication.
Neva Baron. Review of the book Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling With American Indians And Other Native Peoples. A publication of the Teacher's College Press.