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Voices of the Global Community


What do nontraditional female students say about their experience as adult learners? Their voices speak eloquently to advisors about the importance of listening and responding to student needs...

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adult learners, Tamra Ortgies Young, Pat Mason-Browne
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

An answer to Musser’s (2012) challenge to the advising community to build on the constructivist foundation of advising theory...

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theory, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jeremy Bohonos
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
Many advisors work with students who are exploring, either initially or after a first (or second) choice of majors doesn’t work out; other advisors work with students who have chosen their major.  It is common that both of these types of students don’t know what career they wish to pursue.  How can advisors adequately help students explore and commit to a major or career choice?

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theory, undeclared, undecided, Kyle Ross, career advising
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
Advisors and learning strategists often work with students who are aware that they lack motivation; however, these students do not know how to change their predicament.  Advisors can inspire motivation by introducing tangible tasks that move the student to action.

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Shehna Javeed, student motivation
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

An extremely complex facet of advising pre-professional students is how to instill realism in students whose goals mismatch with their current academic performance… Although no advisor wants to discourage a student from pursuing his or her goal, advisors also may feel a responsibility of instilling a level of realistic expectations with their advisees.

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Tobin Richardson, pre-health students, pre-professional
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
In a time of fierce economic trials, it is easy for us as well as students to fixate on job preparation. But we must not fall into the alluring mistake of advising students as only aspiring employees. Instead, we should cultivate an advising practice that narrates multiple educational payoffs for our advisees, including, but not limited to, employability.

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reflection, Liberal Arts, William Smith
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
The most common phrase I hear from students during advising is “just tell me what classes to take.” As an advisor who wants to help students reach their goals and full potential, I cringe each time I hear it…

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student athletes, student motivation, Kristina Allemand
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

Inaccurate assumptions, coupled with the steady increase of international enrollment all over the U.S., have resulted in a number of racial incidents targeting international students… University administrations across the country have proposed that we need to create safe and welcoming environments by encouraging cross-cultural interactions between domestic and international students.

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empathy, international, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
As institutions of higher education face increased budget cuts and reduced state support, academic departments are forced to become increasingly self-supported. The Psychology Department at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio offers a model for implementing marketing efforts at the department level that serve to increase visibility and student retention while fostering departmental growth in a time of fiscal tightening.

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retention, Jennifer Papadakis, marketing
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
I have been fortunate to serve in my current position as academic advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for these six months…As I reflect on my first semester, I share some advice that may benefit new and aspiring professionals coming into the profession of academic advising.

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professional development, new advisor, Mark Nelson, professionalism
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
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