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Entries for 'theory'

Ernie Pascarella and I have now reviewed nearly 35 years of research on how college affects students (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, 2005), and it seems entirely reasonable to ask: 'Well, what did you learn, and so what?' Two sets of conclusions come to mind, one about how students learn and the other (more speculative) about how colleges shape that learning.

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theory, research, advising theory, student motivation, learning outcomes, Patrick Terenzini
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

Academic advisors tell and listen to stories every day...narrative theory—found mainly in literature, film studies, anthropology, and nursing—recommends itself as an example of how theory from outside academic advising may help us better explain academic advising and make us better practitioners. 

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theory, theory to practice, theoretical reflections, active listening, Peter Hagen

...a theory of advising will present for us a statement of what advising is for, and why it is important, a vision of what it ideally would be.  Why is that valuable?

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theory, Sarah Champlin-Scharff, Shannon Burton, theoretical reflections, Marc Lowenstein, theory of advising
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2
[G]ood choices can prepare students to be competent for the work world or post-graduate study while also broadening their minds and cultivating a passion for questioning and learning. My philosophy of education informs my philosophy of academic advising: Education is a journey, not a commute.

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theory, advisor competencies, personal philosophy, role of advisor, Liz Murdock LaFortune

When we share the same basic understanding of the underlying theory, it is easier to collaborate on developing strategies, techniques and resources. Although we do not yet have a unified theory of advising, we propose that constructivism offers an archetypal philosophy that influences all practice and theory.

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theory, theory to practice, Sarah Champlin-Scharff, Shannon Burton, advising approaches, Terry Musser, constructivism, Shannon
As individual academic advisors, we all have the power to choose for ourselves our own Personal Practical Theories (PPTs) of Academic Advising.  Identifying PPTs that inform advising practices can allow advisors to become more thoughtful and reflective in applying and adapting various advising approaches and theories in their unique advising contexts.

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theory, theory to practice, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jennifer Bloom, philosophies, personal practical theory
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

An answer to Musser’s (2012) challenge to the advising community to build on the constructivist foundation of advising theory...

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theory, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jeremy Bohonos
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
Many advisors work with students who are exploring, either initially or after a first (or second) choice of majors doesn’t work out; other advisors work with students who have chosen their major.  It is common that both of these types of students don’t know what career they wish to pursue.  How can advisors adequately help students explore and commit to a major or career choice?

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theory, undeclared, undecided, Kyle Ross, career advising
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2
Hilleary Himes and Janet Schulenberg, Theory and Philosophy of Advising Commission Members The Theoretical Reflections series is sponsored by the NAC...

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theory, Hilleary Himes, Janet Schulenberg, theoretical reflections, advising theory
For some probation students, lack of motivation is a primary factor in their poor academic performance.  In turn, their poor academic performance has further decreased their motivation, launching a negative reinforcing cycle.  What can academic advisors do to help?

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theory, academic support, probation, advising theory, student motivation, encouraging students, self-authorship, Allison Tifft
Posted in: 2014 June 37:2

As with any profession, academic advising requires training, but institutions often struggle to identify a centralized resource or approach for implementing advisor training.  With obstacles of limited financial support, workloads stretched beyond capacity, and autonomous centers with disparate advising structures, advisor training has been a challenge for many institutions. The authors offer their advisor training as a potential model for other institutions.

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theory, theory to practice, professional development, rapport, communication, collaboration, role of advisor, advising theory, ethical approaches, ethics, advising approaches, professionalism, new advisor, learning outcomes, Megan Wuebker, Angela Cook

This article introduces solution-focused advising, a framework built and adapted from solution-focused counseling theory, as another tool for advisors to utilize within their approaches.

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theory, communication, collaboration, build relationships, reflection, academic support, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, active listening, Kyle Ross

The author discusses how she benefited from the Assessment Institute: learning the curriculum, being guided by faculty members, and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country and abroad.

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theory, research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, assessment, advising workshops, professionalism, mission statement, advising approaches, Fang Du

Advising administrators and training developers frequently ask how advisors can build relational core competencies such as communicating inclusively and conducting successful advising interactions. The author presents theory-informed practical recommendations for advisors to help address the “how” of some of the relational core competencies.

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theory, theory to practice, communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, role of advisor, advising theory, preparedness, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, underprepared students, James Wicks, WICKS
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

Most major academic advising theories stress the importance of the advising relationship.  In advising, the quality of the relationship between advisor and student is at the heart of most interventions.  The author notes that the shared focus of various advising theories on factors that foster the advisor-student relationship is very similar to the common factors theory in psychology.

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theory, research, empathy, communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, academic support, advising theory, advising approaches, active listening, advising environment, advising research, Mehvash Ali
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

In the world of improvisational (improv) comedy, advancing is the process of moving a scene forward.  In the world of academic advising where student success is a central narrative, it is imperative that advisors help students advance their own scene. 

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decision-making, theory, theory to practice, professional development, communication, advisor training, academic support, advising theory, advising strategy, advising approaches, active listening, Melissa Johnson, Kyle Ross
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

A paternalistic act is one in which an individual or institution interferes with another individual, without that individual’s consent, under the justification that such an act is for the affected individual’s own good.  The author offers a conceptual analysis of paternalism and an ethical analysis of its place within academic advising. 

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theory, advisor competencies, role of advisor, theoretical reflections, advising theory, critical thinking, ethical dilemmas, ethical approaches, ethics, Sean McGimpsey
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

The authors contend that with the increasing focus on data-driven decision making, advisors must strengthen their scholarly backgrounds to effectively engage in the administrative landscape and ensure advising efficacy and support.

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theory, research, collaboration, role of advisor, theoretical reflections, advising theory, critical thinking, research group, advising research, Kiana Shiroma, Jennifer Brown, Michael Kirk-Kuwaye

Online advising may be one way to retain doctoral students. The College of Saint Mary’s Graduate Advising Space, based on NACADA’s Core Values, provides much more than the answer to “What class do I take next?”

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theory, communication, advisor competencies, personal philosophy, academic support, advising theory, advising approaches, Preisman

Since the 2017 NACADA Annual Conference, the NACADA Professional Development Committee (PDC) has worked to promote the Core Competencies and gather feedback from various constituencies. Much of the feedback has focused on how the published Core Competencies help members use the components as a roadmap for their own professional development. In this article, PDC members provide ideas and examples of how members are utilizing the Core Competencies for academic advising training and development.

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theory, theory to practice, professional development, collaboration, advisor competencies, advisor training, advising theory, advising strategy, Teri Farr, Gavin Farber, Deb Dotterer
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

Academic advisors frequently receive and analyze the important statistics of retention and graduation rates, but do not always have the time, space, or familiarity with a pathway for investigating their own practice to understand how they, in their advising practice, contribute to the story of how and why those numbers have come to be. Practitioner inquiry can produce deep knowledge of on-the-ground daily work as advisors that can help better serve students.

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theory, theory to practice, research, assessment, advising research, Mark Chimel, Heather Hurst
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

Organized anarchy is presented by the authors as the best organizational structure for meeting the needs of advisors by providing the space to practice both transformational and developmental advising in a way that most effectively meets the wide-ranging needs of students.

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theory, research, role of advisor, advising theory, encouraging students, conflict resolution, Douglas Vardeman, Laura Grace Dykes
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.