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Entries for 'theoretical reflections'

Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz, was transported from her beloved Kansas to a foreign land where she met several strange characters including the Cowardly Lion, the Tin Man, and the Scarecrow. As academic advisors, we may sometimes think that we have been transported to a foreign land filled with some equally unique characters. However, even in 'Kansas,' change occurs, and we may find ourselves required to navigate a new 'Land Of Oz.'

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build relationships, theoretical reflections, advising strategy, Lee Kem
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1

Academic advisors tell and listen to stories every day...narrative theory—found mainly in literature, film studies, anthropology, and nursing—recommends itself as an example of how theory from outside academic advising may help us better explain academic advising and make us better practitioners. 

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theory, theory to practice, theoretical reflections, active listening, Peter Hagen

...a theory of advising will present for us a statement of what advising is for, and why it is important, a vision of what it ideally would be.  Why is that valuable?

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theory, Sarah Champlin-Scharff, Shannon Burton, theoretical reflections, Marc Lowenstein, theory of advising
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2
As individual academic advisors, we all have the power to choose for ourselves our own Personal Practical Theories (PPTs) of Academic Advising.  Identifying PPTs that inform advising practices can allow advisors to become more thoughtful and reflective in applying and adapting various advising approaches and theories in their unique advising contexts.

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theory, theory to practice, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jennifer Bloom, philosophies, personal practical theory
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

An answer to Musser’s (2012) challenge to the advising community to build on the constructivist foundation of advising theory...

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theory, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jeremy Bohonos
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

A paternalistic act is one in which an individual or institution interferes with another individual, without that individual’s consent, under the justification that such an act is for the affected individual’s own good.  The author offers a conceptual analysis of paternalism and an ethical analysis of its place within academic advising. 

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theory, advisor competencies, role of advisor, theoretical reflections, advising theory, critical thinking, ethical dilemmas, ethical approaches, ethics, Sean McGimpsey
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

The authors contend that with the increasing focus on data-driven decision making, advisors must strengthen their scholarly backgrounds to effectively engage in the administrative landscape and ensure advising efficacy and support.

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theory, research, collaboration, role of advisor, theoretical reflections, advising theory, critical thinking, research group, advising research, Kiana Shiroma, Jennifer Brown, Michael Kirk-Kuwaye
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