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Entries for 'adult learners'


When we think of adult learners and how to approach them as admissions counselors, program advisors and instructors, several aspects of their adult status usually come to mind. Among these are the fact that adults play multiple roles in their lives, that they often have anxiety about returning to school and that many times they are experiencing some sort of life transition at the time they decide to return to school. One characteristic of current and prospective adult students that is often overlooked, particularly by the administration, is the fact that they are consumers and are generally looking for the most out of their time and money.

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build relationships, advising approaches, adult learners, Kenn Skorupa

This article describes Sacred Heart University's Hispanic Adult Achievers Program, a program established to address the unique educational needs of Latinos who have immigrated to the United States as adults. The article includes student achievement and retention data, as well as a brief discussion of the advising and retention strategies used.

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academic support, community relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, NACADA, Academic Advising Today, academic advising, adult learners, James Minor
Many students attend community colleges against all odds and yet they succeed. This success is due in no small part to the effort and dedication of community college advisors, faculty and staff. The culture of the community college is one that embraces, engages, and elevates students. As soon as a student enters a community college, he or she is welcomed. Welcome comes from staff at the information desk, from a recruiter in prospective student services, from the student worker at the admissions desk, from an academic advisor in a central advising office, and from faculty members walking down the halls.

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academic cultural capital, encouraging students, adult learners, Peggy Jordan, nontraditional students, students
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
As we continue to study First Generation College Students, we become increasingly aware of several subgroups within this special population of students. We can identify adult students with family and job responsibilities, those who are among the first in their families to be born in this country, and foster care alumni who are aging out of the foster care system as three subgroups advisors can assist. Each of these groups faces particular issues as they seek a college education. A closer look at these students reveals special needs that academic advisors must take into account if they are to provide these students with the care they require to succeed.

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proactive advising, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, preparedness, underprepared students, adult learners, first generation students, Joseph Murray, Ila Schauer, Chris Bennette Klefeker

While academic advisors can, and do, provide guidance and the occasional shoulder, advisors cannot serve as a substitute for the camaraderie and support that comes from a fellow student, someone who is in the trenches.

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peer advising, adult learners, Lisa Peck

As veterans transition from a military to collegiate setting, both veterans and the campus communities must adjust to the change and the differing value systems held within the military and academic communities.

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at-risk students, adult learners, disabilities, John Mikelson
Posted in: 2010 June 33:2

Advisors play an important role in the success of non-traditional students. It is critical that we reflect upon our advisor preparation and expectations if we are to help them succeed.

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advisor training, at-risk students, Jennifer Varney, adult learners, Lorneth Peters, MeHee Hyun, Sylvie Taylor
Advising for online learners should respond to their unique needs, instead of requiring them to fit within an established organizational structure...Online learners require a “high touch” level of service in a “high tech” environment.

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adult learners, distance, Sharriette Finley, Jeanna Chapman
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2

What do nontraditional female students say about their experience as adult learners? Their voices speak eloquently to advisors about the importance of listening and responding to student needs...

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adult learners, Tamra Ortgies Young, Pat Mason-Browne
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

Adult students need to be considered in the big picture of campus culture, and I think my initial hesitancy in working with them parallels common misconceptions about adult students and their place in higher education.  This outdated view is quickly being established as antiquated as universities are institutionalizing policies and creating spaces to support all students… Here are five critical lessons I have learned about this ever-important, rising student population.

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adult learners, John Rans
Posted in: 2014 March 37:1
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